Is it M Or F?


Active Member
You know what, the Springs I have cleaned this year were predomimately males I guess,because only 2 had eggs. Im not trying to sound like a martr or something but if I knew befor hand I was keeping egg laden salmon I would be inclined to release it because Im beginning to feel guilty that it could have returned and spawned. I think thats important. Point being is I dont know if the thing is M or F. Can you tell??? In fact its only Aug and with canning and freezing of fish for my wife and I for the year,its just about enough. Im not bragging,its just a fact,and its to the point that because I still want to go out and fish,catch and release comes into mind. Now Im not even sure if thats ethical in this regard.
males have the white milt sack,females have egg skeens...
sounds ethical to me... you have enough but you still
want to fish, no problem to catch and release!
i hope to be in the same position soon .[8D]
Male salmon have a longer more pointed head while females have smaller rounded snout, much nicer looking, with a bit of practise you can tell every time.
The distance between the eye and the tip of the nose is shorter on a female. If you have pictures of your fish, compare the ones you know (after cleaning) were female and male. You'll see what I mean....