Is chum open in the little Qualicum ? ( if not why not )

QB fisher

Just looking at the regs and I don.t see any change to the 0 retention of chum in the Little Qualicum. I could be wrong, but the reason I am asking is. There are about 70 seiners fishing infront of Qualicum Beach about a mile off shore this morning.( for Chum )
QB fisher is right, I have just posted a thread on this site,there has to be at least 40 com's out there
Escapment targets for the Qs and the Puntledge have been met according to the FN.... therefore no reason I can see for keeping retention closed. I will call DFO in Comox to see what is happening... Could just be a case of the FOs being on overload and Bryce not being able to get the notice out-- Stay tuned...
went down to kincade beach this aft. and there was schools of chum salmon swimming right up onto the beach - i think sealions were chasing them - i could of got a couple with my hands !! good fun to watch wished i had a rod with me - but i think they were spooked
The notice has been sumbitted, just waiting on approval. If all goes smooth it should open tomorrow for you guys 2/day.
Here is the Notice:.......

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN1116-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Region 1 - Little Qualicum River - Chum

Chum salmon returns on the Little Qualicum River have increased significantly
over the last week. The forecast of chum salmon returns to the Little Qualicum
River are above 80k and the escapement target of 130k is expected to be

Effective immediately until December 31, 2011, the daily limit for chum salmon
in the Little Qualicum River is 2 per day. Anglers are reminded that this limit
only applies in those waters open to fishing for salmon, and to refer to the
Region 1 Water Specific Regulations for more information.

Variation Order Number: 2011-517


Contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office or visit our website at

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN1116
Sent November 8, 2011 at 16:02
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