Still around - simply taking a little "
time off" from here as a consequence of the
$hitStorm this past winter/spring...
Still coming along. I'll let the fellow who runs the shop answer that directly if he feels so inclined
This is true. Took a decent handful of the latest version out for "
Final Testing" during Area G's last small opening.
Here's what they looked like prior to wandering off:
Real McCoy up top, the Imitation below:
The "
School" that went out with us:
And some of the results:
Suffice it to say we were beyond "
Satisfied" with the results.
Final Testing Stage Accomplished. Now kicking into gear to get some in your hands soon. As Promised, I
WILL post here once they become available... Deluging me with PM's and Emails
WILL NOT speed this up! We have a rather extensive list which we will work through first, then once that has been dealt with, I will make a Public Announcement here. Apologies this is taking as long as it is, but there have been many
many issues beyond my control, and methinks you will find they will prove worth the wait...
LOL! On one hand I actually wish that were the case. On the other, given the areas the vast majority of our catch came from, it is more than doubtful the impact would have been felt by very many sporties. By the time we wandered down from the barren waters off Nootka / Estevan, the push of fish you Ladz had the fortune to land on earlier at Portland etc had wandered on. Catches remained rather dismal as a consequence until they opened up Area 23. The areas of focus after that produced alright, but being outside the Big Bank (chiefly) and then but a day or two a tad closer in from that, it is indeed doubtful many (if any) from Tofino or Ukee would have realized any impact whatsoever.
This spring the fleet-wide quota was the smallest it has ever been - around 26K. To let you know how poor the fishing was initially, it took from mid-April to just last week for the 70 boats involved to realize that number plying the waters right from the top to the bottom of the Island. We are now off the water (No August Plug Fishery) until September unless the sporties once again go over their allotted number, and October if/when they do.
To put it in perspective, the predicted Recreational Sector harvest is currently set around 76K. Will be running Moonsnail Dan's rig attempting to collect a little of that for clients this coming season. Right Shortly now that is...