Internet marketing, minus the SPAM

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Thanks to Concerned Angler a member of, Screaming Fish & Fly - Nanaimo's Sportfishing Centre has started to investigate alternate opportunities for marketing to a niche, but fairly broad audience relating to the sport of angling.

Myself, personally was brought into sales and marketing thru truditional school and on the job experience to help develop Gerilia Marketing technics that work for most shoe string budgets...My main expertise being Trades, but now mostly relate to other factions like Sportfishing...

Needless to say, Screaming Fish & Fly - Nanaimo's Sportfishing Centre is looking for many new avenues to market and share our knowledge, customer care and great opportunities to purchase competitive products.

We have had many meetings wihin our shop, and CA's concerns have come up often - so upon target we have developed many new relationships...building a young business can be very taxing at times and takes alot of effort to grow and maintain to a level of steady, methotical growth.

We are listing classified ads weekly on both and wit there are open opportunities for any individual or business to post as often as they's easy to take advantage of Free 14 day photo enhanced classified ads.

Keep looking...we sell weekly on Island Best Buy - FREE Classifieds.

RVP. SPAMLESS after today[According to CA]

Cheers. ;)
...No worries CA - but I must say, that I have never hidden anything in any of my posts...I have always posted what it is, as it is, up front.

I am also Robert Van Pelt...I don't hide behind monikers or aliases.

RVP. ;)
A moniker (or "monicker") is a pseudonym, or cognomen, which one gives to oneself. The meaning is distinct from nickname, in that a nickname is generally given to one by another, and not chosen for oneself.

(as slang "moniker" can mean simply "name")

Typically, this title is used as a professional name, instead of the person's given name, for works of art, music, books, or performances.

Monikers are commonly used in small subcultures such as in railroad tramping (i.e.,"Baltimore Red") and on internet message boards.


The word "monicker" or more rarely, "monikker" is, among clowns, most often intentionally misspelled, with a 'c' in accordance with clown tradition that some words are inherently funny (and hence to be preferred over 'unfunny' words). The "clown world" has widely embraced "monicker" as equivalent to a stage name or pseudonym. A monicker is considered by a professional clown to be sacrosanct by the traditional code of non-infringement. The monicker is considered to be an attribute of the character of the clown and not of the performer. Monicker, in clown usage, can generally be considered synonymous with the terms "clown name" and "Professional name". In declining use, it may mean a clown performer's personal nickname, (e.g. "Joseph Grimaldi's monicker was Joey.") rather than the name of the performer's clown.

RVP. ;)

quote:Originally posted by beadhead

RVP, you're shameless.

Don't slag members for stating the obvious and please can the nuaseating spam.
Actually I have been to his store and met him , he is quite a nice guy and threw in a B12 ? for free when I purchased some flasher bags and other things , I must be getting old as I thought his posts were quite harmless compared to some of the other inane drivel that was coming on here.
