Interesting Poll


Active Member
This poll was done to see if the majority of Canadians were opposed or in favour of a race based fishery. However the results weren't exactly what the opposition wanted. Just goes to show you there may be a slight chance after all to change things.

Fishing poll backfired on bureaucrats: Cummins

By Maureen Gulyas

A buried federal poll shows the majority of British Columbians disagree with a separate commercial fishery for natives.

Out of 1,000 English respondents, 76 per cent said commercial fishermen, whether they are First Nations or not, "should be subject to the same rules and should be treated equally by the law."

The Privy Council, the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans commissioned Pollara to conduct the poll last July. The timing was important.

It was commissioned just 11 days after Prime Minister Stephen Harper wrote to a Calgary newspaper stating he opposed a racially divided fishery in B.C. Within a week, the bureaucrats managed to raise $22,600 to pay for the poll, and came up with several questions about the controversial native commercial fishery on the West Coast.

Delta-Richmond East MP John Cummins said bureaucrats were striving to get a particular answer to prove to the prime minister he was out of touch with the Canadian public. The results show those efforts backfired, the longtime MP said.

"They intended to use that to basically bring the prime minister to heel," Cummins said.

Two of the poll questions asked respondents directly if they recalled reading or hearing about Harper's comments on July 7.

Cummins was made aware of the poll by West Coast fishermen who received it by accident in an Access to Information request.

Phil Eidsvik, executive director of the B.C. Fisheries Survival Coalition, obtained the poll as well as a flurry of insider e-mails. Those e-mails show while the bureaucrats came up with the questions, they asked the polling company to review them. Pollara told the civil servants their questions were "leading," showed "bias" and were "double-barreled."

The questions were adjusted, but Cummins said they were still biased in favour of the native commercial fishing agenda.

"In spite of asking these leading questions, the public saw through it and said, 'We don't agree,' so the bureaucrats buried the poll. I'm sure that poll was never shown to the PM," Cummins said.

Since the Department of Fisheries and Oceans started the pilot sales fishery for natives in the early 1990s, Eidsvik's group has been polling B.C. residents on the issue.

"These numbers are similar to what we found over 15 years," he said.

Native rights to food and ceremonial fishing are enshrined in the constitution but not the right to sell their fish. Up until the native pilot sales fishery began on the Fraser River in 1993, native and non-native fishermen held commercial licences in one fishery. About 35 per cent of the commercial fishery licences belonged to natives.

Since the separate commercial fishing policy was established, the issue has become highly charged because DFO assigns a higher number of economic openings to native fishermen than non-natives on the Fraser River.

Titled Attitudes Towards West Coast Fisheries, the poll was supposed to be made public three months after it was completed. It was just recently submitted to the parliamentary library, but it has not been posted on the website nor is it widely available in Ottawa.
"A buried federal poll shows the majority of British Columbians disagree with a separate commercial fishery for natives."

Not quite.

What it shows is that the majority of people asked disagreed, which can be quite different than a majority of BC'ers depending on the sampling methodology and actual question.
I believe in the supremacy of constitutional law and the law as written is what I follow and expect all Canadians to follow.

If someone disagrees they are free to lobby the Federal Govt to change any law they feel is unjust, and if necessary they can sue the Govt all the way to the Supreme Court.
If they are a lawyer, or if they have very deep pockets or if they have the backing of an advocacy/special interest group.

The legal system works well, if you have money.....
quote:Originally posted by Dogbreath

I believe in the supremacy of constitutional law and the law as written is what I follow and expect all Canadians to follow.

If someone disagrees they are free to lobby the Federal Govt to change any law they feel is unjust, and if necessary they can sue the Govt all the way to the Supreme Court.

What you believe or don't believe was not in question Dogbreath. Looked to me like barbender had a pretty simple question for you that required a yes or no answer. You have come back with an answer so ambiguous that even Jean Cretien would have been proud. :D
quote:Originally posted by Barbender

Well ok then. Let me ask you. Dogbreath do you agree in a seperate race based fishery?
quote:Originally posted by finaddict

What you believe or don't believe was not in question Dogbreath. Looked to me like barbender had a pretty simple question for you that required a yes or no answer. You have come back with an answer so ambiguous that even Jean Cretien would have been proud. :D
The answer as given is as plain as day, for those with the brains to read and understand it.[V]
Touchy subject but kind of ironic that a delta mp with some of the most prime fishing grounds ie the fraser for salmon and boundry bay and roberts bank would even want to touch this one. The natives in tswassen have a food fishery for crabs that has been going on for about the last month. Every day 8-10 large garbage cans of crabs are unloaded off of a bowpicker. Yes they do well at crabbing. If the local band is eating that much crab every day they must be very sick of it by now. It is a bit of a touchy subject too say the least. I am not saying have an opinion one way or the other as it is too dangerous but when people whine about special native treatment and buy cheap salmon off of them what do you do but shake your head and laugh. I just hope that everyone has a chance to fish and that the general public becomes more aware of the situations at hand.
quote:Originally posted by Dogbreath

quote:Originally posted by Barbender

Well ok then. Let me ask you. Dogbreath do you agree in a seperate race based fishery?
quote:Originally posted by finaddict

What you believe or don't believe was not in question Dogbreath. Looked to me like barbender had a pretty simple question for you that required a yes or no answer. You have come back with an answer so ambiguous that even Jean Cretien would have been proud. :D
The answer as given is as plain as day, for those with the brains to read and understand it.[V]

Perfect answer Doggie boy. Another side step. C'mon bud grab a hold of your cojones and make sure yah still got some and answer the question with a yes or no answer. Otherwise step back in line with the rest of the politicians that we cannot take seriously. [:o)]
quote:Perfect answer Doggie boy. Another side step. C'mon bud grab a hold of your cojones and make sure yah still got some and answer the question with a yes or no answer. Otherwise step back in line with the rest of the politicians that we cannot take seriously

He's too busy wringing his hands and trying to appease everyone. Anyway not trying to put anyone on the spot but when you hide behind that "law of the land" BS. You know how big the individuals cojones are.
quote:Originally posted by Barbender

quote:Perfect answer Doggie boy. Another side step. C'mon bud grab a hold of your cojones and make sure yah still got some and answer the question with a yes or no answer. Otherwise step back in line with the rest of the politicians that we cannot take seriously

He's too busy wringing his hands and trying to appease everyone. Anyway not trying to put anyone on the spot but when you hide behind that "law of the land" BS. You know how big the individuals cojones are.
If what you guys want is personal attacks and post after post after post of uselesss political bs then try that mess over on FishBC you'll find it a perfect fit.
If what you guys want is personal attacks and post after post after post of uselesss political bs then try that mess over on FishBC you'll find it a perfect fit.
Actually we seem to be receiving a fine example of "useless political bs" right here. :D
quote:The answer as given is as plain as day, for those with the brains to read and understand it.
Looks like its a round of attacks for everyone;)
I think we should be all treated the same dosen't matter what race you are.

If not aren't we all natives we were all born in Canada :D
Hear Hear Paul, "The White Native" just pay and shut up ! hey Dogbreath.