
Well-Known Member
Hello fellow fisherman im back for the summer from knight inlet fishing was still red hot up there until the last 2 days rain may have triggered them to move faster malcom slowed up but craycroft and swanson island was very good.

ill be out at sooke for the rest of the week ill keep you all informed

Good luck Wolf
Welcome back to the south end wolf....you mention Malcolm has slowed...still springs around there, or is it mostly pinks and the start of the big coho? Plan on getting up there for the long weekend - Mitchell Bay/Lizard/Slide/Donegal. Recommendations out of that? Wouldn't mind a spring or two, but I'd like to fill up on pinks for the barbee as well! Socks will be closed, right?

Yes maclom has dried up bad all the malcom boats were down at craycroft yesterday and flower. the pinks have seemed to have disappered as well just the odd one around but lots of coho really the sh*ts to have to let a 15 to 20 lber go especially when you know its going to die best bet is swanson and cratcroft deewar but you never know bye the time you get up there!!!!!!!!!!! the malcom boats are on channel 4 just listen to them. The lodge i worked at is done and so is farewell harbour.
Thanks for info - may have use of a bigger boat, so will stray further if that is the case. I hear you about coho as well - caught about 12 in a weekend there last year and only 2 hatch out of that...very frustrating seeing that a couple had the hooks swallowed pretty deep - only so long you can push them back and forth in the water in hopes that they will make it through.

Did you fish Mitchell Bay? Last report I had heard from last week was pinks out the ying yang in the bay....
we just got home late late tonite and i am tired but i will give a quick report.
The fishing was the best we have seen ever in the last 20 years. It was either hot or not at malcolm, our best morning we got 13 legal springs, but other mornings we would go out of there with only 2 or three, it seemed every second day was hot. Baronet was consistent every afternoon as well, we picked up a spring or too there every day.
Our biggest was 33 a 30 2 28's then a ton of 15-25 lbers. I think we lost a few big boys too, real screamers. We only got 2 hatch coho the whole trip, and lots of big chum this year.
Best of all, got a 120lb hali last morning out and lost one just as big the day before.
Fantastic trip
cant wait till next year
socks now closed
Hey, that's more like it explorer...more details! Chum? Where were you finding those? Will have to get out my chum setups to get a piece of that action if they are around! How about around the island from Lizard to Mitchell? Baronet will be too far for me - not comfortable enough with the area to stray that far.

My friend that lives across from the Mitchell wharf said fish were jumping everywhere in the bay last weekend....that be coho I assume? Sounding like a blast!

hey deewar,
the chums were incidentals for us and we released all but one, but we caught them just about anywhere with most of them off the head of donegal in about 90 feet of water. Biggest was close to 20 lbs at the wall. early morning is important for springs.
We only fished mitchell for hali and just casted a buzzbomb for fun, and one day I got 5 pink and a coho in about an hour and a half in 200 feet of waqter.
I also believe wolf is talking about the sunds boats, and i believe they run on channel 6. Everyone else is on 68.
I am sure we saw you wolf around the slide, we said hi to alot of your guide boats.
have fun up there
hey wolf,
do you guide out of Sailcone Lodge? I guide at Sunds. I'm the youngest guide there, not the blonde dude, but the guy with the grey touque. how did you guys make out this year? we're actaully just finishing up on friday. there are still a few kickin around out here. a guy I know from town, Randy, got a 40 at the wall on monday. other than that, the weather is great and the coho keep guests entertained, with the odd spring. What was the biggest you guys weighed in this year?

anyways, good luck in sooke, i'll be down there by next weekend chasing the last of the springs.

Thanks Captain Dudds
It used to be sailcone but they split there now called coastal springs im the guy thats the tallest in the group and the biggest guide i chatted to you a couple of times in the green double eagle and an older one which still had the sailcone logo our biggest was only a 43 but there didnt seem to be alot of big fish up there this year.
