Illegal Guiding

I've traveled to northern BC for last several falls with my wife and friend. Normally my wife hangs out with friends we've made over the years. They go shopping and enjoy doing what girls do. Here's the thing. I have been accused of guiding on many occasions. Is it because I have a nice raft? Is it because I'm not alone and with a close friend? There are times I fish alone but I feel safer with a friend with all the large mammals creeping about especially on certain hikes we go on. I don't travel in big groups at all. It will be three on a rare occasion and that is normally if wifey comes along. I do believe there are probably illegal guides around the area. This is proven by the attached article but I'm not the only one who has been accused. I've spoke with others that visit the area and the same thing has happened to them. I love the area and look forward every fall to traveling up and experiencing the beauty of the surroundings, our local friends who we really enjoy and of course, the fish. I will say, lately it seems we're not welcome anymore and this isn't the ones in the valley per say. It is the the guides who have been unbelievably rude to us while we are trying to enjoy our day. Here is just one of the messages I've received the last few seasons......

What sucks is everyone I have talked to in the valley I stay at thinks it's the same guiding operation that is writing this nonsense. I know the times I was verbally accused (while I am with myself and a friend no less) was in fact guides from the operation they guessed it was.

I'm sure illegal guiding is a problem throughout the province but for crying out loud, the fear mongering is getting old and tired. Maybe they are accomplishing their goal. Fine...........
Wow , not a lot of sympathy for the guides position in the "comment" section . it seems that the "me" generation has bred.

Hermits Unite.

You'd have to see the behavior up there to understand the sentiment. There are some good ones that run a clean show, no doubt. But there's a large group of resource squatters that are trying to make a heavy-handed allocation move and zip up all the water to themselves. Not a pretty picture---low-holing, hole squatting, all the shiat that happens when you have common property mixed up with metastasized entitlement