Ice On Southern BC ( Merrit, Kamloops, 100 Mile area, Okanagen and the Kooteneys)


Well-Known Member
This is just a starter thread so people can report when the ice goes on in Southern BC in 2024.
The BC MOE has a tracker for when ice goes on, but I don't think it's for general use, it helps them with freshwater lake management. If you report here, im sure they would appreciate the info there. I will try to find that lonk. Back to fishing...SO- IF LAKES ARE GETTING ICED UP, PUT IT HERE. SAFETY FIRST AND FOREMOST PEOPLE. THIS THREAD MIGHT HELP PEOPLE PLAN TRIPS ETC. BUT ITS UP TO US TO CHECK THE ICE EVERYTIME WE GO OUT. SAFETY FIRST.......OK capital letters off....
Tight lines everybody!
Right on. Is the lake still warm? Also, any insight about ice timing around Merrit? Is it a new year thing? I haven't ice fished since I lived in PG so have no idea about Southern BC.