How to target Searun Cutthroat

I am heading up to the head of salmon inlet next week on a job. When I was there in the summer I saw Large cutties around the floats in the estuaray. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use to fish for then? Lures? flies?
If you don't flyfish, spinners work too. As do rapala plugs, but make sure the hooks comply with the regs. Best fishing for me has been on a rising tide, and don't be shy about fishing very shallow water. I have also fished them around floats and docks in Pender Harbour. Casting blindly into the deep water or along neighboring docks often produced chasers if not biters.

I am no expert and I haven't fished them much, but flies and spinners have worked for me. And a worm under a bobber works too. They are trout after all, and they eat all sorts of creepy things, not just fry and sticklebacks.

Good looking fly, btw.