how to mount a kicker on a difficult transom


Crew Member
I have an old Lund fibreglass 19.5 hull and I want to mount a kicker for trolling. Trouble is, there is very little space on the transom because the splash well is so wide, although it's not quite wide enough to simply mount the kicker right alongside the main.


To make matters worse, there is very poor access to the inboard face of the transom because of floatation cells positioned on both sides. With that fuel/water separator removed I can kinda sorta get my arm down there to the transom, but the further off centre the kicker bracket is mounted, the harder it will be to get in there to install nuts and washers.


I'd appreciate any ideas or suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Maybe a bracket that bolts beside the motor and angles to the side for clearance.
Thought had crossed my mind. That will project the kicker further off the transom than the main of course. Will that cause issues with EZ steer linkage system? Havent bought it yet fortunately.