How many hours do LED's work?


Well-Known Member
I thought I may try some LED's, but for how many hours do they work before a new battery is needed?
Those LED's aren't exactly cheap - but then what is cheap about fishing!!
The single flash may get up to 200+ hours -the double about 150. That;s what I've been told by the owner of Pirates Den. The battery is not replaceable. All I can say is that I have been playing with them and testing them pretty hard since last sept -all through the winter in Mexico and then here.

I haven't had one quit yet! They work extremly well in the right circumstances. If you are worried about battery life -make sure they and the hootchy are really dry when you store them- a drop of water gets on the prongs and they may light in your tackle box shortening life. I imagine like any battery they are affected somewhat by temp and pressure-I usually fish WH at 180 to 200 and they were great and productive. I suppose at the rate I fish-I should get a failure sometime this summer! Hope this helps-they're worth the price of 1 pack of chovies
spring fever,
Thanks, that helps. What do you recommend single or double? We are heading to WH and I would like to give them a try up there>
A couple of other questions, which hootchy would you suggest with them for up there?
I usually use flashers with the hootchies, with the LED should I still use the flasher?
SF is right. They are rated for approx 150 hours of wet time for double flashing, approx 200 for single flash. Batteries cannot be replaced due to water proofing and pressure resistance design. I do have some units that the batteries can be replaced in, but they are bigger, bulkier and heavier so I do not market them. Instead, I use them when doing tests and because of the number of LED's and microprocessors they use, I replace batteries before each trip out.

Flashers can be used with LED products as they provide action to the lure.

Our LED lights come in single flashing blue, single flashing green, single flashing 7-color, double flashing green, double flashing white and double flashing UV.

A note on the 7-color unit: This unit cycles through 7 different colors and at two cycle speeds automatically. Due to number of LED's and microprocessors, this light lasts approx 20-25 wet hours.

Water temp can play a part in life of the batteries though we've not had a complaint about them. There is an ongoing debate about freezing batteries to prolong the life and that debate has carried over to enviromental effects of the batteries. Duracell says do not freeze them. Others say you may. Perhaps it comes down to battery design. We've not had any problems.

Water pressure may be an issue if you are fishing at 3000ft or more in depth. Otherwise, you will be OK.

As for which lure or lure color to use, SF or others fishing that area would be your best advice.

Hopefully, this post helped.
That 7 colour light is a hoot to use-I put it in a harlequin(many colour) hootchy and call it a Party Girl-really good for those days you "just can't make up your mind" However as Salty Dog says-My oh my it's active and because of it the life is much shorter. Usually I'm much too busy with the UV,Green,blue and white to bother but does catch fish and is a helluva conversation starter!!!
Aik Use cuttlefish hootchys-they are the only one you can get the light in. I use the purple haze PNT cuttlefish with the UV and a green single or double flash in a green with a little red PNT cuttlefish.. Try and get translucent cuttlefish-remember you want that light to shine.I find a single 6/0 best behind them. Use your regular length of tie behind your favourite flasher.Pirates den also has a 7 inch hoochy-unrigged they call the "pearl Glow Wench" I use either the double flash UV or double flash green. I haven't tested the Wench like I have the others but it shows tremendous promise!!I only used it one hour behind Kains last week in the morning(we were limited)-we hooked and released 4 Springs on it. Use the lights deep -WH the magic no. for me off-shore is 160 and then I look deeper!!!Great place to start is look at the pinnicles off Grants bay and try and skim the tops-you are usually safe around 160 although the odd one comes up to 140. Then if nothing excites -last week we found them straight out between 312 and 340 feet of water-180 to 200 ft of wire-very steady. Might have moved but a good place to start. Good luck and don't forget a report. SF
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I picked up a couple of LED's, there was not much choice left, so I had to settle for the double green UV and the single 7 colour. Now I have to pick up some translucent Cuttlefish hootchies and we will see what happens.
Thanks guys.
I picked up a couple of LED's, there was not much choice left, so I had to settle for the double green UV and the single 7 colour. Now I have to pick up some translucent Cuttlefish hootchies and we will see what happens.
Thanks guys.

Where do you buy your gear? Most places have restocked in the past week. There should have been plenty to choose from.
Berry's does a fine job over there. They did reorder just last week so I have to check in on them. Their goal is to ensure they have products customers need and my goal is ensure they have the supplies to follow through on their goals.