How many chinook have you caught this winter/spring/summer?


Active Member
Just curious how the winter, spring and summer chinook seasons went for everyone. It should be easy to find out because they're all recorded on your license right?:)

I know this wouldn't include the fall cap fishery where I suspect many of the big springs will be caught by forum members for 2011.

Me personally, I've caught 3:

A 14lb and 16lb over at thrasher rock back in June and one 14lb just yesterday off the mouth of the north arm jetty.

How did you do?
6 This year, all in the summer. 14, 17, 20, 24, 26 and 34(my first tyee)

EDIT: Before I caught the 24 and 34, I figured I had all the spring I could eat in my freezer. So I gave the rest of it away. In fact our freezer is so glutted with salmon that my wife said if I go fishing again this year, I should go catch some rockfish or cod to add some variety.
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I've got 12 on my license, added 4 to my dads license (he was with me) and another 8 or so to different friends who fished with me. Plus a few released. I checked 11-15 on this pole but my boat has taken over 20 this season.

What a great year for this weekend warrior! By far my best ever. The two weeks off during the summer that gave me 6 weekday trips deffinetly helped. Biggest was 27, got 3 around 24-25 and the rest were 10-18 pounders.
huge difference between guiding people to fish and the ones i bonked for myself. 50-60 for others and 18 for me and family.
I myself have landed 6.....On my boat roughly about 7-8 more for others. Plus some pinks and coho splashed in.
For my guests...a lot...although I don't think it's possible for any single guide to hit 1000 just due to math lol Although I was half of that. For myself I personally caught 20, give a lot to family in Vancouver and take back a lot to Ottawa for eating purposes as I eat fish twice a week.. :D YUM
Just the three - an 18 (which I think was fluke), a 22 and a 19 which I wrote about in my Sooke Beginner thread. Zero the last two times out!! LOL
I wouldn't touch this thread with a ten foot poll. It's like loading the gun for the other sectors to shoot at us with, not to mention encouraging DFO to cut us back further.
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I wouldn't touch this thread with a ten foot poll. It's like loading the gun for the other sectors to shoot at us with, not to mention encouraging DFO to cut us back further.

Dude...relax. The poll is private and no one can see what you chose. Besides, there isn't even an option to choose more than the current coastwide annual limit of 30.
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DFO will be watching and will extrapolate a number here to explain how the sporties are wiping out the runs on the coast and the poor commercial fishers barely got any.
Voodoo math
Guys replying to poll x number of fish caught x all licenses ever sold = Collapse of Fraser River Sox and Leaving no place for sea lice to live so they must be responsible for collapse of Broughton Runs as well
I think i may have 8 fish on my lic and 4 of them are from when i was up in the charlottes.I dont get to go out on my own much although i do have a few pinks I saved..
DFO will be watching and will extrapolate a number here to explain how the sporties are wiping out the runs on the coast and the poor commercial fishers barely got any.
Voodoo math
Guys replying to poll x number of fish caught x all licenses ever sold = Collapse of Fraser River Sox and Leaving no place for sea lice to live so they must be responsible for collapse of Broughton Runs as well

What possible connection could anyone draw between an (unscientific) poll on Chinook catches and the Fraser River Sockeye numbers?? That would be stretching "voodoo maths" to new lengths indeed!!!
I have kept 2 springs to eat this year. I release almost all the springs I catch. I prefer to keep other salmon and bottom fish for the table.
Personally just the 3 back in June. Haven't been out much to say the least, and current health issues may have already closed my season.

Regarding the DFO, They are the government. If you don't know, Make it up. They'll do whatever they want. They always do.
For guides:

Max 60 days on the water X 3 guys (max) X 2 fish each (max) = 360 fish.

Just a ballpark number - some may be high, most will be lower.