How late can you fish Richmond/Vancouver Piers?


I Have been trying to determine some places to go night fishing.

Looking around the internet, I found, which lists a few spots that have good pier fishing. Two of which are in Richmond, at the end of 2 Road and 3 Road. The third is the Jericho Yacht club jetty, and the fourth is Ambleside Park.

Now, Ambleside is obviously a park, and they close pretty early (9pm Im pretty sure... Thats when Barnet Marine Park and Belcarra close) but what about the other three?

Also, with looking on Google Maps, I found a bunch of smaller piers and stuff along Marine Drive, to the West of West Vancouver. Are any of those open to public fishing? Its really hard to tell whats private property and whats not.

Thanks for any help!
Ambleside does not close. The other pier is at 25th and Marine (Dundarive Pier) and it has been closed to fishing for about 10 years. Good Luck
Are you sure Ambleside doesn't close? My understanding was its a park and parks close at 9 or 10 or dusk if there is no posted time. I know Belcarra and barnet marine park have 9pm posted.
Are you sure Ambleside doesn't close? My understanding was its a park and parks close at 9 or 10 or dusk if there is no posted time. I know Belcarra and barnet marine park have 9pm posted.

What does Fishing With Rod have to say? He would know. Most of the folks here are Islanders.
Looking around the internet, I found

Suther, i'd check vancouver parks board website for park closure times, pretty sure they'll have it.
check West Van...not Van parks Board...comeon Lucky get in the game....

off to Bam tomorrow on the early tub...gonna be epic...wish you were coming, I'm staying at the Nish Inn with Osama...One handed fishing with rumncokes!!!
Sent an email to a director of something or other at west van parks.

Now the question is about the other spots. Anyone know closing Times for piers at 2 &3 roads in Richmond? Or Jericho yacht club jetty?
GB go get em bud.....wish i was with ya.......tell osama to net em all and not gaff em