how do you spell relief ?

Sea Ranger

Active Member
How do you spell relief? Drink but really I like to take a walk along the beach it helps to clear the mind. and soon my Grandson will be two and then I can take him fishing for trout at the lake... for some reason I find the smell of worms brings back memories of when I was young and use to fish through the slats in the wharf and it gives me a calming affect.
Relief?? Thats finding your wallet just dropped between the seats of your truck!!

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Many ways out there spell relief :D

Friday afternoon at four o'clock ;)
Going with the boat around The Wiffen Spit out into the open water.
Bringing that fish into the boat when fishing by yourself in the middle of 40 boats [8D]
Couple of winter ago going through Race Rocks Passage tide rips LOL

I'll think of couple more
