How did the commercial guys do in alberni last night

I went up the Somass to The Haven at about 6 last night, they were all lined up and ready to go...did noit hear yet
How did they mange to get 4400 springs when the opening was for 2 hours / 2000 pieces?

More sporty relocation to the commie sector without mentioning anything?
I just got off the phone with Mike Spence at the port alberni DFO office.

the commies went over BY ALOT..
He would not really say, but he did not deny 4400 fish taken. I was also told it is very hard to monitor in a 2 hour opening.
There is a native commie opening tonight for 4 hours, they are allowed to take 4000 peices but some have already been taken. Their opening is 10 mile in to papermill, but they estimate most boats will be fishing Polly pt in.

Going to have to reconsider if I want to head over their this weekend..
...I was also told it is very hard to monitor in a 2 hour opening.

Complete and UTTER BS!!!
Just more of the same lack of accountability from the most corrupt system of "management" this Country has had the misfortune to endure!


What would happen to us if we had our limits and more in under 2 hours? it is total BS.......DFO is allowing the fisheries in BC to be wiped out by commerical fisherman. Like WTF.... are they just tring to make room for more fish farms.
I don't understand it myself. The commercial boys would know what they are aloud to take how could they go over that and not face steep fines?

I can take 2 chinook per day when I have two dead ones in the boat I know I am done fishing and any other chinook caught must go back. Doesn't it work the same with commercial fisherman? They know they get x fish for the boat they are on, they catch those fish, toss the rest back and stop fishing. That isn't how it works? Take what you can and count em later? Nice
I just got off the phone with Mike Spence at the port alberni DFO office.

the commies went over BY ALOT..
He would not really say, but he did not deny 4400 fish taken. I was also told it is very hard to monitor in a 2 hour opening.
There is a native commie opening tonight for 4 hours, they are allowed to take 4000 peices but some have already been taken. Their opening is 10 mile in to papermill, but they estimate most boats will be fishing Polly pt in.

Going to have to reconsider if I want to head over their this weekend..

X2 on the amount of fish & that would be close give or take a couple from what I'm hearing...the commercial guys fished as directed bye DFO......Not defending anyone hear atleast the commercial opening happened after the Alberni Derby which we asked for & perhaps we have a larger run of fish than forcasted...not saying that it is right
You have to remember that the commercials dont talk to each other when fishing. Or to DFO unless they are hailed after each set. large number of fish in a small area-- yes, I can see how it can easily happen.
Not only do most not talk to each other while fishing but 2 hours is not a lot of time to fish so I'd bet most only did one set so by the time the 2 hours was up, they'd caught more than their TAC. Apparently the managers didn't know this...
If they are upwards of 2400 fish over,maybe after criminal prosecution and fines they should have to buy the overage from the First Nation and then remove from that quota so the numbers stay the same and the natives still get paid.

If it were you or I that was over you can bet your boat we would be prosecuted to the fullest.]

Bloody BS because they will still give the others the same numbers and the fish will be the ones to suffer once again.

I tell ya DFO will not be happy till this run is gone for good.
Good news is they held off the commie fishing until after the derby - that is a first and we really proved that the commies can get their fish if they wait until after the derby. So that is a win for us, and we will be at the table pounding on that issue as an example of how the fishery can be run in a way the limits the impact to the sport fishery and tourism. Bad news is DFO could not control the fishery, which is actually good news for us at the round table as we can point to that as an example of how they can't control themselves in a lottery style fishery. Should be a boat to boat allocation and once you are at your quota you are done!!:mad:
Wish we could tell them to **** off but doesn't roberston creek hatchery receive federal money thus commercials get a crack at them regardless just like in nootka the commercials get a crack at the conuma river chinooks every year.

Though there should be consequences and more monitoring for such a short opening to go over the TAC by double is stupid, if DFO found someone that bonked 60 chinooks (double the yearly allowed) there would be hell to be pay.

You would think there isn't that many boats for a "2000 piece" opening they could have observers on the boats reporting how many are caught. The only thing that could have happened like it was stated before they set for 2 hours instead of 2 one hour sets.
Wish we could tell them to #### off but doesn't roberston creek hatchery receive federal money thus commercials get a crack at them regardless just like in nootka the commercials get a crack at the conuma river chinooks every year.
How true that the commercials get the the hatchery fish.
They are subsidized by the goverment (my tax dollars) to stay in business.
Without my tax dollars they would have no fish to catch.
Seems to me I should be calling the shoots with these folks.

I just got off the phone with Mike Spence at the port alberni DFO office.

the commies went over BY ALOT..
He would not really say, but he did not deny 4400 fish taken. I was also told it is very hard to monitor in a 2 hour opening.
There is a native commie opening tonight for 4 hours, they are allowed to take 4000 peices but some have already been taken. Their opening is 10 mile in to papermill, but they estimate most boats will be fishing Polly pt in.

Going to have to reconsider if I want to head over their this weekend..

So what was the actual take in the FN Commie 4 hour 4000 fish opening?
4 hour opening my a$$ watched from the river bank for a while even talked to the DFO who were on the water. They said the opening was closed at midnight.
I watched DFO go back into the harbour and the FN's reset the nets for another 2 or 3 hours. Nets tied to shore and navigational aids as well and from the mouth of the river out in the harbour half way into the marina had to be at least 4o nets. Couple more years like this we might as well sell our boats and move onto something else.
Pardon my lack of knowledge re. this, but isn't there some kind of consequence or fine to take over twice the allowable catch in this case???