Hourston Saddle Tanks


Well-Known Member
Hey guys still looking for some, OEM Hourston, unwanted demo'ed saddle tanks for my build, anyone have them kicking around?

Thank you
Not sure Hourstons ever had saddle tanks at least I have never seen them on any Hourston. Seen them on a few Double Eagles.
First one I have seen with double tanks. I stand corrected. That looks like a 26 ft with the port hole windows, but the deck looks to small and the spot for a belly tank looks smaller too. With the saddle tanks you lose a lot of storage from the gunnel area.
First one I have seen with double tanks. I stand corrected. That looks like a 26 ft with the port hole windows, but the deck looks to small and the spot for a belly tank looks smaller too. With the saddle tanks you lose a lot of storage from the gunnel area.

:) It’s a long cabin 23....
:) It’s a long cabin 23....
I’m wondering since that 26 top was done as a custom mod by Hourston for the original owner if the tanks were yet another custom mod the original owner was wanting on the boat. Hopefully not for your sake Robert.
That's what I was thinking. This must be a 1 off build. Are you adding saddle tanks to the belly tank?
I’m wondering since that 26 top was done as a custom mod by Hourston for the original owner if the tanks were yet another custom mod the original owner was wanting on the boat. Hopefully not for your sake Robert.
That's what I was thinking. This must be a 1 off build. Are you adding saddle tanks to the belly tank?

If I can get my hands on a set of saddle tanks I will try and modify and reuse or perhaps get 2 made up, undecided as of yet, just thinking in advance.... Buddy of mine had saddle tanks in his 20'er and another friend had them in his 23'er, they aren't very common but not as scarce as hens teeth :)
Will you still have a belly tank
Have you thought about a fuel bladder instead of the saddle tanks
Have you thought about a fuel bladder instead of the saddle tanks

Yes I did, and thank you for mentioning it before :) I'm not sure where to put the darn thing the it will not be in the road.... I am considering all options to get a bit more fuel onboard as now is the time :)
80 gallons is alot ... going to china and back??
80 gallons is alot ... going to china and back??

taking it to Nfld, going to make a trip to the “Grand Banks”