The vast majority of what I own is pretty boring: big ETFs, AMZN, AAPL, BA, GD. They've all made me lots of money. Or, lots relative to some things: I didn't really take a serious interest in it until about two years ago and my mortgage is still bigger than my trading account. But it's got more than two years of my day job salary in it now, so I'm doing all right.
Still I'm mostly quite conservative. I bought big in the COVID meltdown last year, that was the single biggest move I have made and obviously that paid off for anyone who did it.
But as I said in the GME thread, if I see volatility that I think is trending upward and having a social media blowup, I'll set limits and jump in and out really quickly with a smaller bet. I'm pretty tied up with other stuff mentally at the moment so I didn't get in on GME but when BNGO was having a big of a feeding frenzy a couple of weeks ago, that was the one I bit on and pulled out some cash.
I'm currently in on RKT, which is a mortgage service that I keep hearing about. They were skipping along at about $18 for a while there so I got in, today they're up around $25. But I think I will treat it as a long play. American mortgage brokers keep mentioning it to me as the future of mortgages. I'm not in super deep, but if it blows up, that'd be all right for me.