Horne Lake

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maxpower
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Any biggn's there, what is sujjested to catch the more plump trout of that lake. I'm definatly gonna try my gang troll but what else? I will be there sat night and butt early sunday morning
I dont fish there often but my friend owns a cabin up there and caught a few 3 ilbs rainbows usin a gang troll and plug.

fish junkie
So you run a plug (like a small slamon plug) at the end of your gang troll? Never done that, I have to give it a whirl. thnx
small rapalas. and its my friend who does it ive never fished there much but he goes every week.
Try willows or fenders with a wedding band. Used to work when I had a boat. good luck. DG
i whent up there last year at this time and got 3 nice sized fish.we fished of shore with orange power bait about 3 feet of bottem on the left side of the boat ramp.we seen other poeple fishing to and they were using a bobber and about 8' down with rowe .they had 4 nice fish and was about 6-7 pounds!!it was huge and the other ones were about 4-5 pounds!![8D]