holiday fishing ?

scott craven

Well-Known Member
Anybody fortunate enough to have time off been out
chasing springs this week ?
While i sit in the office wishing....

I got out fishing on the 24th, 26th and 27th out to Sooke and it sucked. Worst fishing I'd seen since September. Out of those 3 days i lost 1 good fish, released 8ish small fish, had my crab trap raided 1 day, but I did manage to get 6 keeper dungeness on the last day.
Hopefully the feed comes back and the fish follow
And Blow some up the mess today from last night.....

Got out for half a day on Tuesday. No fishing, dropped a couple of crab traps and 4 prawn traps and headed to the Dinghy Dock for lunch. Went back and checked the traps. About 100 prawns and 8 crab. Nice to get out on the water again. It was nice and sunny and not too rough either.
When it blows like this im going duck/goose hunting

east/north/east today at 5knots....
this is your chance to get out and fish.
tomorrow turns to dog s_ _ t again !
