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Mr. Dean

What's up with the e-mail function. I've sent several out and zip for responses... So I tried one to meself and nothin came through. My info is correct and I get the message that it was sent???????
Just sent this off:

Good day!

Just a friendly reminder that the e-mail option from the forum seems to be not working. This is of a vital importance IMO of helping and promoting the act of Sport Fishing amoung the members (new and old), and needs/should be addressed to correct it.
I agree. This forum has improved leaps and bounds in the past year, it's important to keep the software current and all functions working properly. There are other options out there for forums and people will go there if this one is left without proper upgrades and maintenance.

Would be a shame to see it go to hell now after it's improved so much.
Just had another need for contacting a member to offer out help.

WTF is goin on!
WHY isn't this being corrected!

As to date, I don't even have a reply from Mr. Webmaster @ blah blah blah. blurp
You could at least demonstrate courtesy for CHR*** SAKES.

Rant over.

Get it fixed! (now it’s over).


EDIT - Post is intended for God, not ME (but please feel free to forward)
I to have been trying to get a hold of you Kevin.Could you please send me your Email address.Mine is casper5280@shaw.ca
why doesn't the current owner just sell the site if they aren't going to keep it in running order? I mean when was the last time the non-forum part of the site was updated?
I am also having trouble with the edit function.
When I try to edit I get a message saying that only the poster or the mods can edit a post. But I was the poster?

Am I doing something wrong?


A couple of Mods are first in line if this site comes for sale we've already been there. I got an email today followed up by a phone call I have been told that things will take a bit of time but you will see it happen. The whole problem started when we upgraded the forum to allow us to add the anti spamware to stop SPAM!!! However due to the fact these forums are put together by a number of programmers sometimes the fix isn,t as easy as you might think! I personally have spent hours looking for the fix. ;) I know they have been draging there heals a bit but due to your emails the ball is now rolling.

Cheers ME