Herring/Chovies for bottom fishing 'enhancement'


Well-Known Member
Anybody know of somewhere in Vancouver to get bulk herring or chovies? I don't need the bait quality but rather when I am in Kyuqout in 2 weeks to have an "enhancement' on the rigs. I am kicking myself now I didn't think in advance about the Herring Sale for charity! Catch rates in the last couple years have been way better with a treat on the line.

In a nutshell....wondering if anyone knows a low cost crappy source of baitfish.
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I was told that some commercial Ling fishers use ling skin for bait. I am going to try that as an enhancement. Should stay on the hook well.
Anybody know of somewhere in Vancouver to get bulk herring or chovies? I don't need the bait quality but rather when I am in Kyuqout in 2 weeks to have an "enhancement' on the rigs. I am kicking myself now I didn't think in advance about the Herring Sale for charity! Catch rates in the last couple years have been way better with a treat on the line.

In a nutshell....wondering if anyone knows a low cost crappy source of baitfish.
Mackerel from canadien superstore, they also have herring sometimes

I don't think these would be suitable for trolling as they do something to herring/chovies suited for trolling I think to clean out their intestinal tract. I can't recall exactly but who knows.....these may work?
