Herring at Victoria

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I've been away for a few weeks and on my return (Saturday) noticed the herring fishers on the Admiral's bridge. I'm new here and have never fished for herring, so went to get some tackle and (Wednesday noon) took off in my pelican paddleboat to get me some herring. Didn't see any fishers on the bridge and didn't see any herring in the water. Does that mean herring season is over or should I have been somewhere else, doing something else, at some other time of day?
Thats it.Run is over.Hope you didn't spend too much on gear<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>
Just kidding.check what the tide was doing when you saw them saturday.Go during the same tide

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
I've fished off that bridge for herring all my life since I was a little kid barely able to hold a fishing rod. Its the same ole story.. many people swear to fish it on a flood tide, that tide will push the herring in.. logical sense.. .. and then there's who swear to fish it on an ebb tide?? who knows.. I've caught buckets and buckets full of herring some times on a flood and some times on an ebb.. I've all ways found when the herring are in, running, doesn't matter what the tide is doing, if the herring are there you will catch them.. if there not in there not in.. tide flooding or ebbing. You just have to get lucky and time it right! We try to figure it out when the herring will be there and use the tides to figure it out in our heads.. lol.. If your going to fish off he bridge try fishing it at in the middle of the night in the dark... no traffic on the bridge, no exhaust fumes and no road dust to breath in! its very peaceful fishing their at night ! and can be very productfull..! A good spot is right by the bridge light and fish near or under it.. you can see the herring flash in the water lilted up by the bridge light as they hit your jig! its fun.. When we were younger we used to get a few friends together, a few beers, and go jig for herring at night it was a blast...!
I remember catching herring off that bridge at the end of April and into May. I remember going halibut fishing and towing the boat, before we go launch at Esquimalt Anglers we stop at the Admirals brige, still in the dark wee hours of the morning and jig up as many herring as we can before the day break started and take off to go halibut fishing with fresh/live herring.. and that was at the end of April and into May. we are in the middle of March right now.. I think theres a few herring to come up the Gorge yet...
Thanks....that is encouraging at least. I guess I'll give it another go. I'm fishing from my paddleboat anchored to an old snag in the water. Thought there might be some magic to standing on the bridge. The tide was going out I think when I saw the other fishers and I believe it was coming in when I went out, so maybe there's something to that idea. But I didn't see anyone catching fish either time...so maybe not...haha. I'd love to go for the halibut but don't have a boat yet. Anyhow... as they say..."baby steps"....I'll try for some bait first.
Was down to the gorge rapids abit back, under the bridge on the outflow – backeddie side (condo side), punched a few holes into a couple of cans of cat food (contents spec fish & oil) tied a line to them and jigged them for a bit (10 min max) threw my bait apparatuse twice -----filled two 5 gal pails full herring, finished my cactus juice and went home brined my herring, put them on sheets and froze them. --- nite time is the rite time !!
Spoke a gent at the gorge park this morning, his best day has been 12 herring complaining no birds no seals no fish. Check the nite tides and make your move.
Which bridge? Tillicum or Admirals?

I went out yesterday morning. plenty of Cormorants, herons, kingfishers and other birds....even a harbor seal poked up his head, but no herring to be seen. The bridge cleared off while I was there too, so I assume they weren't catching any either. So that tears it. It's going to be cat food at night. Do you just dangle the cat food from a line?

Also, what do you mean be brining the herring? Are those to be pickled and eaten or are you going to use them for bait?
Tillicum bridge, the cat food is chum (poke a few small holes in the can and jig it so the cat food will break-up in the can and flow out of the holes)gut and brined the herring before freezing the scales are brighter and herring more durable as bait. I don't bother using a bait jig use a 10ft bait cast net picked up in florida a few yrs back.Check your tides before going.
Reel Deal,

Have you tried the cast net off the dock/warf beneath the Tillicum bridge there..? Throw the net off the right corner of the warf into the back eddy on the ebb tide off the warf might be a little easier than from the rocks?
went to the Selkirk Bridge today and got 2 herring. It took about 2 hours, my friend got skunked and my dog got a suntan so it wasn't a bad day :)

how long should herring be for Halibut? for the spreader bar setup.... the herring I got were not too big or too small.......


Ah Yes Craigflower bridge ......Fished there one memorable day some years ago, it was packed with anglers...I used my home made herring lures, I found pink to be the most productive color and was steadily outfishing other anglers with them when I noticed neighbouring fishermen were slowly edging their way towards where I was fishing. Pretty soon I found myself fishing shoulder to shoulder with guys who were now openly dropping their lures within inches of mine. The ensuing tangles were a pain

If you want to avoid that scenario take the advice offered here by others and "go at night".....Good luck