Help with regs

fish brain

Crew Member
I pulled this question from the Sidney reports. I hope it will get more attention here, as I too am confused.
Thanks @RadicalSalmon for the original post

On the fishery site when they mention maximum fish size 85 cm... for hatchery they say 'Oversize Length' and for wild they say 'Maximum size' ... is there a difference?

They don't give you much detail on that. I am going to assume oversize means maximum because they don't talk about 1 over or 1 under or anything of that nature in those regs, but I don't ever fish in Sidney so I am not sure how the regs normally are down there but from how I read it, I would say no Chinook over 85cm but I could be wrong but it would be a safe bet if you're unsure. Hopefully someone can help!
They're using commercial fishing terminology for some reason now. It really isn't appropriate.
Pieces for example.
DFO is really not meeting the expectation of clearly regulating fishing, and something definitely needs to be done. I would guess that a judge would not have kind words for them if he had reason to evaluate the regs.

If you read the notice, it does say you can't retain over 85 cm, so I would go with that. I think that one was put out around 10 days ago?
so then there are these notices
FN0545-Recreational - Salmon - Area 19 and 20 - Chinook Management Actions Effective June 17, 2017

Further to FN0155 and FN0301, the Department will be managing fisheries based
on management zone 1 (i.e. returns to the Fraser below or equal to 45,000
chinook) for Fraser Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook.

Effective Dates: 00:01 hours June 17, 2017 until 23:59 hours July 14, 2017

Waters: Subareas 19-1 to 19-4 and Subareas 20-4 to 20-7.

Management Measures: The daily limit is two (2) chinook which must be either:
-Wild or hatchery-marked if between 45 and 85cm.
-Hatchery marked if greater than 85 cm.

The minimum size limit for chinook salmon in these waters is 45 cm.

Variation order 2017-300


Effective Dates: 00:01 hours June 17 until 23:59 hours July 14, 2017

Waters: Subareas 18-1 to 18-6, 18-9 and 18-11, 19-5, and those portions of
Subareas 29-3 to 29-5 that lie southeasterly of a line from a point on the east
side of Valdes Island located at 49 degrees 05.562'N and 123 degrees 39.989'W
then extending approximately 57 degrees True to the North Arm Jetty Light
located at 49 degrees 15.440'N and 123 degrees 16.778'W.

Management Measure: The daily limit is two (2) chinook salmon per day between
62 and 85 cm. Chinook salmon over 85 cm may not be retained.

The minimum size limit for chinook salmon in these waters is 62 cm.
So in my first post it clearly says Cadboro pt to Sombrio pt but in FN0545 it clearly says you you can keep over 85 cm hatchery fish in
Waters: Subareas 19-1 to 19-4 and Subareas 20-4 to 20-7.

Management Measures: The daily limit is two (2) chinook which must be either:
-Wild or hatchery-marked if between 45 and 85cm.
-Hatchery marked if greater than 85 cm.

So what is it?
have to take the notices in chronological order (brutal that it took me like 10 min to find the notices with the new - so Sidney is 62-85 no exceptions either side. Pretty much the screw you Sidney scenario. No hatchery marked over 85 is ridiculous.
I pulled this question from the Sidney reports. I hope it will get more attention here, as I too am confused.
Thanks @RadicalSalmon for the original post

On the fishery site when they mention maximum fish size 85 cm... for hatchery they say 'Oversize Length' and for wild they say 'Maximum size' ... is there a difference?

You can't keep any hatchery fish over 85cm. I phoned and it stands.
You can't keep any hatchery fish over 85cm. I phoned and it stands.

I'm not trying to be a arse here, but I am confused. So please don't be offended if I keep harping on this.

I dont know why . Order FN0545 was posted June 15 and says

Effective Dates: 00:01 hours June 17, 2017 until 23:59 hours July 14, 2017

Waters: Subareas 19-1 to 19-4 and Subareas 20-4 to 20-7.

Management Measures: The daily limit is two (2) chinook which must be either:
-Wild or hatchery-marked if between 45 and 85cm.
-Hatchery marked if greater than 85 cm.

The minimum size limit for chinook salmon in these waters is 45 cm.

Variation order 2017-300

So that seems to be the most recent and says that from Cadboro to Sombrio is open for hatchery fish over 85cm. No?
If so why the negatory from DFO when you phoned?
He called about area 18 Sidney..different regs there. area 18 no fish over 85 cm...area 19 & 20 hatchery only over 85cm
Ok that makes it clearer. Dont know why I was having so much trouble with it.
Thanks Profisher
He called about area 18 Sidney..different regs there. area 18 no fish over 85 cm...area 19 & 20 hatchery only over 85cm

No Rollie its in effect for Sidney and a lot of the area around it. 19-5 you can't keep hatcheries over 85cm. I was told that and its written here:
If you fish in these areas please be careful. Don't assume its the same regulation as Sooke and Vic. Area 18 is ame...

***Note: This area has been enlarged to include a portion of Subarea 29-3.

Further to FN0410, the Department will be managing fisheries based on
management zone 1 (i.e. returns to the Fraser below or equal to 45,000 chinook)
for Fraser Spring 5-2 and Summer 5-2 chinook.

Effective Dates: 00:01 hours June 17 until 23:59 hours July 14, 2017

Waters: Subareas 18-1 to 18-6, 18-9 and 18-11, 19-5, and those portions of
Subareas 29-3 to 29-5 that lie southeasterly of a line from a point on the east
side of Valdes Island located at 49 degrees 05.562'N and 123 degrees 39.989'W
then extending approximately 57 degrees True to the North Arm Jetty Light
located at 49 degrees 15.440'N and 123 degrees 16.778'W.

Management Measure: The daily limit is two (2) chinook salmon per day between
62 and 85 cm. Chinook salmon over 85 cm may not be retained.

The minimum size limit for chinook salmon in these waters is 62 cm.

Variation Order: 2017-300


Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal waters of British

Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery
program by labelling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped chinook and
coho salmon. Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical information for
coast-wide stock assessment. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program
toll free at (866) 483-9994 for further information.

Anglers are advised to check for fishing closures
and other recreational fishing information.

Tidal Water Sport Fishing Licences can be purchased via any computer connected
to the internet at
or by using Google search key words "Recfish Licence".

Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation? If so, please call
the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line
at (800) 465-4336.

For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at
1-(866)431-FISH (3474).

Contact the local DFO office in your area for further information.

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0544
Sent June 15, 2017 at 1426
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Yes, area 19-5 is always different than 19-1 to 4.
Another classic example of DFO (dumb f*#@king ottawa) making the regulations as confusing as possible. Unbelievable that the avid fisherman that are on this site have to go online and confer amongst themselves to interpret what the regulations actually mean. Meanwhile casual fisherman end up breaking the rules due to confusion or ignorance. Which sucks if you are caught illegally retaining something but more likely it means that fish that they are trying to protect, end up being harvested.

Would it really be that difficult to simplify the regulations to the benefit of both fishermen and the fish??