Harrison Lake Fishing


New Member
We're heading to Harrison this weekend with a few friends and are planning on taking the boat so thought I'd sneak off for a bit of fishing. Any advice on fishing this lake? We are set up for salmon fishing with downriggers and moochings rods, but also have some lighter casting gear.

Was thinking of trolling spoons around and hoping for the best?
Fishing spinners & flies near the creek mouths can be productive for trout. I've had very little luck elsewhere over the years. That being said....I've seen seals with their pups this time of year several times, so there's got to be food around. If you're near any of the shallow bays (like on Long Island) bring prawn traps and hot-dogs for bait, and you can pick up a haul of crawfish especially near sunken logs and deadfall.
It's mostly known for trout fishing in the early spring when salmon fry move into the lake from some of the streams. The trout are known to move considerable distances over the year including into streams and down into the Harrison River which drains the lake depending on where the food is. Typically lakes in the Fraser valley don't fish well in summer. The Lilloet River runs into the north end and carries a heavy silt load so the upper part, perhaps much the upper half will have poor visibility. There must be bull trout in the lake. With high mountain peaks and glaciers, the scenery is awesome and you should be able to enjoy some beautiful cruising and sight seeing.
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