Handling wild fish

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Can you show any science or studies that show using gloves is worse then not? I am not a glove user, but i cant find anything anywhere that suggests it is anyworse then using your hand. I know guys like yourself may have some practical experience, but can it really be linked to gloves by science?

Hummmm-- over 30 years experience on the job and experiencing what handling fish with a glove can do to them, is enough to convince me. Dont need a PhD to figure that one out LOL!!!!
Hummmm-- over 30 years experience on the job and experiencing what handling fish with a glove can do to them, is enough to convince me. Dont need a PhD to figure that one out LOL!!!!

I dont dooubt it, ive seen fish with hand printish marks, im just wondering if ther eis acutally any real study? I good friend sent me a pm and put it in context pretty good i thouoght

"imagine how it would feel if you were pulling your goalie with a glove on!"
Its just accepted practice not to use gloves on fish that are A) extremely fresh and B) multiple spawners (steelhead and trout). An old boot salmon that is only days away from having its eggs removed is a little different-- and some hatcheries do use cotton gloves at that time.
Hummmm-- over 30 years experience on the job and experiencing what handling fish with a glove can do to them, is enough to convince me. Dont need a PhD to figure that one out LOL!!!!

Absolutely. Many hatchery protocols were learned not from some PhD, but from trial and error. When we first started catching steelhead broodstock in B.C. there wasn't a lot of science behind anything as it was slightly uncharted territory. We also learned that techniques that worked in one river system, did not necessarily successfully cross over to the next.

I think we know from considerable field experience using gloves damages fish.
I seen a show recently on Outdoor Life Network,I think its called, I will try to find it. They were catching Chinook, rainbows and cohos with an outfit called the salmon express. The way they handled the fish was brutal with thier hands up the gill plates and the way they throw the fish back off a high boat in the water....seen a coho dropped on the floor. All the what not to dos.
apparently its ok to poorly handle wild fish for pics if your a tv personality or an advertiser on this site!!!!!!!!!!!!
and you forgot beating their heads in and eating them.... we are indeed a curious species. (burp)