Hand Held GPS


Active Member
Okay, I'm up fishing in Barclay Sound and my dash mounted GPS locks up on the screen.We tried everything to unlock it,the on off wouldn't even work so I finally pulled the fuse under the dash and put it back in.Boots back up Works fine,Ah the little disclamier says Don't rely on this as your sole means of navigation.No problem we also have a compass.We had two GPS's on the old boat never had a problem,but now I don't trust this one 100% so I want to buy a hand held for backup,I don't want to go and listen to all the hype at the stores,so guys any suggestions on makes and features and prices?Thanks DAN
Just curious as tot he make and model. We had a similar problem. Turned the battery switch off to reboot.
Have a handheld Garmin 72 as my backup. No map so I ensure I have my critical waypoints entered before hand. Easy to use, accurate, reliable and inexpensive.
I have a Lowrance Ifinder H2O and love it. It is submersable, which can be real handy if you drop it in water in your boat (been there done that). I've heard that it wil float if you use lithium batteries, but have never checked this ou myself.
yeah porcupine that's what I'm talking about I have one too I can take the chip out and change it to the ifinder if you have the lowrance chip that's definately the way to go.I like the ifinder alot you get them with a backroad chip too so you have all the bc backroads and road maps of all north america, and it's not too expensive, pretty nice unit
I just purchased a Lowrance H20C handheld for my boat and put the chip in it very nice. As a back up I will have my Old Magelin hand held GPS it only shows tracks Lat / Long and a few nav features but thats okay because I always have paper charts, know how to plot a course and have used it as my primary one for the last 3 years.

JMO Cheers ME
I have the Garmin GPSmap 76. It is fairly inexpensive, and as a backup it has built in shoreline basemaps that will help you find your way home. You can always buy the bluechart to put in, but is a mono screen.
wow, you guys like your handheld megellans?, not very happy with mine.. thought it would do more, even after downloading a 165$ map of the jaun de fuca strait..it is a 400 i just use it on the quad so's i dont get too lost..lol
Seawolf, it's a Standard Horizon 150,never ever had an issue with it before.Still, I don't like surprises with equipment.DAN