WOW!!!! I never had a thread removed before!! Seems like goin' for Hali's is probably the way to go this spring.I am workin' with my buds to see when we can do this.Thanx for your suggestions guys!
You have tweaked my interest in this hali expedition, where , when and is this a fun derby, or is there an entry fee or ! ? ? ? ? ?? ?
If things go the way I plan and Murphy's Law doesn't rear up a whack me then my trailer will be all set up and fishing commences in May so I'm retired and interested; have only fished halibut once before at Port MacNeill many winters ago and what the heck try something new and different !
You have tweaked my interest in this hali expedition, where , when and is this a fun derby, or is there an entry fee or ! ? ? ? ? ?? ?
If things go the way I plan and Murphy's Law doesn't rear up a whack me then my trailer will be all set up and fishing commences in May so I'm retired and interested; have only fished halibut once before at Port MacNeill many winters ago and what the heck try something new and different !
O.K.,I was reading the original thread.I suggested we have some sort of get together for halis'.Next morning it was gone.Now I see people are talkin again.
Are we talkin about Oak Bay still?If so ,i'd be in.I don't trailer so its got to be by water access.Whats up?<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
O.K.,I was reading the original thread.I suggested we have some sort of get together for halis'.Next morning it was gone.Now I see people are talkin again.
Are we talkin about Oak Bay still?If so ,i'd be in.I don't trailer so its got to be by water access.Whats up?<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
Now that were on the subject of Derbies. Port Sidney derby is back on for May 4-6. They were 20 boats short last year. First prize is around $17000.00, and yes they let guides in. It all goes to a good cause and thats salmon enhancement !!
Now that were on the subject of Derbies. Port Sidney derby is back on for May 4-6. They were 20 boats short last year. First prize is around $17000.00, and yes they let guides in. It all goes to a good cause and thats salmon enhancement !!
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