Halibut Woe's

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr. Dean
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Mr. Dean

I just went through and read the thread about the current Halli discussions...

It seems that MANY aren't getting the message of what this IS about. The proposals have NOTHING to do with conservation measures. The fishery is at or under sustainability levels, depending on who's report you read. The Halibut Fishery is fine, as long as we stay within the TAC.

What these reports ARE about is; who should be allowed access to it, the commercial fleets, or Joe Fisherman?

IMO, Joe Fisherman SHOULD take precidence for a fish on his</u> table, before that of one that gets exported for someboby else's table. This fishery belongs</u> to the people of Canada and our Government should be taking our demands/needs into account FIRST!!!

Hell,,, It IS one of our</u> RITES!

As I see it, every regulation in place now, is a measure of ensuring a viable Commercial Fishery. If the people of Canada decided that they/we are in need of more quota (clearly they have...), then so-beit!! Make the reguired changes, DON'T place more restrictions on something that's overly restricted already, IMO.

If folks want to take further steps into conservation measures than those in the current fishing regulations, that's EXCELLENT! (I do). And I encourage it!! But please do it from a personal level. There simply isn't any</u> need for more restriction/regulations than that we currently have now. The fishery is sustainable, or may even be under utilized as is.

Each regulation/restriction added, is another nail in our coffin (Sportfishing in whole). No need for requesting things that aren't needed... Besides, cutting-off a 100#'er with a big-a$$'d stainless treble in its mouth, probably isn't much good anyways, and I'd rather see that fish utilized as meat, than have it starved to death only to become crab bait. [xx(]

My personal, self-imposed conservation effort is to simply limit my catch, with a self-imposed</u> annual limit... Lets keep things based on the science and biology; not what our 'feelings' or 'hearts' are telling us. Decisions based only on emotions or limited observations, are usually poor...

CA,,, You Rock!!!
Keep up the GREAT</u> job. :D

Class dismissed!
Thanks for yer time. :)