Halibut open March 1st/11

It's 50$ a pound to buy ,but not to lease off them it would be more like 5 to 6$ a pound.Still a complete joke ,lets not let it get to this state boys!
Shea has announced a direct challenge to all sporties today. This is as good as spitting right in your face, folks. Don't dare accept this insulting, misleading and disgraceful treatment of the public by government. She's ignored completely the needs of BC's unique sport fishery, the social importance it carries and the huge economic benefits our passion of sport fishing provides. Her actions have merely cemented a little more the privatization of Canada's common property halibut resources. She has no right to give our resources away, it's high time sporties rise up and take them back ...

Big mistake Gail darlin' ... Heads Up thinks you just woke a sleeping giant - maybe it's time you went and joined Hosni on vacation
im not a union type of guy, but, buying any quota is exactly the same as crossing a picket line, plain and simple, not to mention ur a complete f*&%ing idiot...holmes*

You are bang on there.

Purchase quota watch boat sink...

Our lodge won't be spitting in the face of our bretheren.
What's the COALITION'S response to all this? I've thrown in with them for the simple reason of UNIFICATION amongst us and I firmly believe now is the time we ( rec-fishers & guide/outfitters) need to circle the wagons' and respond as one.

If we can't agree to join one entity - one mighty & cohesive front - we may as well sell our boat's now!

We need representation from the Coalition here and now! I gave a LARGE donation to the Coalition for a reason - I believe in it!
I will seek a meeting with Lunney and Crowder immediately. In the meantime I will write a personal position paper to give each of them and cc to Harper, Shea, et al. In it, I will further advise them that the Conservative have not only lost my support and vote, but that I will be actively campaigning (already started) against them. Further, I will meet/write provincial politicians and make clear that they will also be held accountable for their lack of action when our coastal economy is being substantially harmed by Ottawa policies!

It is now time to organise and build a fund for a legal challenge in the Supreme Court of Canada. Let the coalition create an account, I will certainly support it. Make no mistake, we will win in court!! As this proceeds, I would not be surprised to see one or more parties take this forward, as the gov't does not want to be embarassed in court or at the polls. We have the power if we stay united.
If this is the best solution they could come up with, maybe we should start to sell some of the fish we catch on leased "commercial" quota, to offset the cost, and maybe to pay for the crt case. That would be a protest fishery with a message.
2 weeks before a new Dicktater for B.C is elected way past time we made our Fishery a Provincal resource controlled by the B.C voters !

[When The People Fear The Goverment It's Tyranny,When The Goverment Fears The People It's Democracy]
Hey Little Hawk, the Coalition is more determined today than before the Shea announcement. It is clearly time for ALL anglers to continue to stand shoulder to shoulder and respond with one loud voice. The coalition steering committee had a conference call this morning to launch phase 2 of the campaign. They're still leading the charge, more solidarity than before and ramping up the effort. (See thread BC Sport Fishing Coalition ramps up the halibut allocation campaign)

Stay tuned

While i am in whole hearted agreement here i just have to play Devil's advocate and mention that we are not the only group the DFO is shafting while catering to the big dawgs.
Consider the mining industry and placer mining in particular. Small placer miners are monstrously hogtied by the DFO, effectively keeping them unable to work at was once and could be a very large employer and source of revenue to numerous communities. All the while major mining corporations that are often offshore based send our money away.
The small logging industry is another such victim.
So it would make sense IMO to hook up with other victims thus adding many thousands more voices to the ears of those who seem to be hard of hearing.
Just sayin......
March 1st is coming soon. I still don't see an official opening notice on the DFO website.

B.T DFO"s pattern is to post an opening at the last possible moment after it should of been opened a month earlier!
Happens every year with the Sockeye, Wid Coho,Springs & now the Halibut.
What's next the Pinks.
RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0109-RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish Other than Salmon - Halibut: Recreational Fishery Opening Date and Management Measures


Consistent with Minister Shea’s statement on Pacific Halibut on February 15,
2011, effective at 00:01 hours March 1, 2011 fishing for halibut will be opened
coastwide. The daily limit is one (1) per day with a possession limit of two

The exceptions to this opening are:

Areas 121, 23 and 123:
Effective 00:01 hours March 1, 2011 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2011:
- No person shall fish for or retain halibut, rockfish and lingcod in Area 121
outside the 12 nautical mile limit seaward of a line that begins at 48 degrees
34.000 minutes North latitude and 125 degrees 17.386 minutes West longitude and
continues south easterly at a bearing of 116 degrees True to a point at 48
degrees 28.327 minutes North latitude and 125 degrees 01.687 minutes West
- Electronic licence conditions will be continued as follows: “Only a Canadian
resident may fish for or retain halibut under an electronic licence in
management Areas 121, 23 and 123.”

Area 121:
A reminder to recreational harvesters, that the waters of Swiftsure Bank,
inside a line from 48°34.00'N and 125°06.00'W, thence to 48°34.00'N and 124°
54.20'W, thence to 48°29.62'N and 124°43.40'W, thence following the
International Boundary between Canada and the U.S. to 48°29.55'N and 124°
56.20'W, thence in a straight line to the point of commencement, are closed to
all finfish, all year.

Note: Rockfish Conservations Areas (RCA’s) remain in effect – refer to the
following website for descriptions:

For more details regarding the experimental recreational fishery and to read
the Minister’s announcement please visit: http://www.dfo-

Variation Order 2011-074 is revoked and replaced with 2011-087.

Contact: Tamee Mawani 604-666-9033 or Adam Keizer 604-666-0912

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0109
Sent February 21, 2011 at 15:41
Visit us on the Web at http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca