Halibut open March 1st/11


Active Member
CFAX Quoted Not so Hon. Fisheries Minister Gail Shea " I will not bow to public pressure allowing the recreational sector a larger quota the talks @ the last Halibut neg, broke down making a choice to conserve the stocks and mange stocks for the future" Halibut will open March 1st/11 with daily retention of 1&2 in poss, total.
This is a blatant and obvious, somewhat childish attempt to deceive the public. Changing the allocation does not permit even one more kilo of halibut to be caught and does not in any way whatsoever effect conservation. This kind of misrepresentation by Minister Shea shows a lack of vision and leadership and I would suggest Minister Shea needs to do her job and resolve this issue fairly and expediently. The time for stall tactics and deception is over.
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Sorry Mr Lunney ................. but i have voted for your party for the last time and will lobby AGAINST your party as well.
Letter to James Lunny, Minister Shea and PM Harper sent today:

"Dear Mr. Lunney,

First I would like to personally thank you for fine performance as our local MP, and your recent outspoken involvement in the halibut allocation issue. Your words were certainly well appreciated, and I only wish that more of your colleagues could perceive the significant importance of this matter to BC's economy.

Unfortunately Minister Shea today produced a statement on this very issue that completely ignores the voting public, directly furthers the Department's assertion that this resource largely "belongs" in the hands of a very select few (a direct contravention of a previous related Supreme Court decision and very unlikely to withstand the test of Law) and furthers that privatization by the creation of yet another "commercial" sector.

In a query to all Conservative MP's early this spring, Prime Minister Harper noted he was actively seeking input as to mechanisms to increase economic activity nation-wide. At that time I applauded his efforts, firmly believing his intentions in this regard were sound. However today's announcement flies directly in the face of that. There are literally thousands of people in BC whose jobs rely both directly and indirectly to the recreational fishing sector's activities. The direct and spin-off benefits are immense. However this has obviously been ignored in favor of a select few who provide very little in the way of economic input in comparison. Thus I find PM Harper's words more than misleading, something I consider a very serious matter.

I understand that there are those in your Cabinet that believe this matter will now simply go away. Rest assured, it will not. In fact the opposite is likely true given that the desires of the voting public have been so gravenly ignored. The groundswell of support this matter created amongst the "Common Man" is not localized to British Columbia, and in fact is wide-spread right across our entire Nation. Few things get the voting public as disappointed as having their wishes and desires blatantly ignored in favor of making a select wealthy few even wealthier. I firmly believe you are about to witness the manifestation of that disappointment into action.

I have always been a long-term supporter of the Conservatives, both at the voting booth, in donations, and active discussions with my peers. Therefore it is with a heavy heart that I now find myself writing you to inform you of my decision to withdraw any and all such support for the Conservative Party. I very much feel for yourself being caught up in this mess, however it is very much a mess created by your own government, and alas you - as their representative - must pay the price.

Unless something very dramatic occurs in the next short while, I will find myself actively and openly campaigning alongside the thousands of like-minded anglers, who rightfully feel they have been seriously let down, AGAINST your Party's continued governance.

I am cc'ing this letter to the DFO Minister who made such an improper (and very likely Illegal) ruling as well as PM Harper. The message from here is clear: You have well overstepped your bounds in turning a Common Property Resource into a Privately Traded Commodity, in directly ignoring the desires of the voting public, and in creating undue stress on BC's struggling economy. In doing so your government has raised the ire of a Sleeping Giant. Unfortunate that you, and those amongst your colleagues that feel as you have indicated, must suffer for the wrongful decisions of another. But alas, I see no other recourse at this juncture.

I would be pleasantly surprised to receive a realistic response from yourself, and those this message has been cc'd to. This is a very significant turning point for me and many Canadians. I would however request that the cc'd parties please refrain from the platitude of yet another mass produced, say nothing response.

J. Matt Stabler
Address withheld"
Very nice Nog: Lets hope they have run out of the ******** form letters. C'mon Dunc, put your head on the block, or crawl in a hole.:mad: eman
Thanks Gentz. Had to calm down significantly to pen that one, the first was... well... somewhat off the rails.

I am bloody hopeful that this spells the end of the recreational sector's well known APATHY that has been used so often, and so effectively by this particular ministry against us. Methinks DFO could not have forced us to become effectively organized had they tried. So, here's the test: Are we all at the point where we can stand up for ourselves and Demand ENOUGH!?

Hope so...
What the Canadian public needs is transparency - something we never get. I just wonder how many slipper skippers are sleeping with the enemy? How can we find out what the real connection is? There's more to this gifting of quota then meets the eye - maybe we need to hire a private investigation company to delve into this mess. Or, how about the RCMP we already pay them - maybe they can find out why 435 or 436 people in Canada are so special.

Getting real FED up with this bull!!!

CFAX Quoted Not so Hon. Fisheries Minister Gail Shea " I will not bow to public pressure allowing the recreational sector a larger quota the talks @ the last Halibut neg, broke down making a choice to conserve the stocks and mange stocks for the future" Halibut will open March 1st/11 with daily retention of 1&2 in poss, total.

Please someone enlighten me is it not the public this dolt was elected to represent? perhaps I have it all wrong and she was elected to represent small, rich, private investment interests (slipper skippers). In my letter to this individual I used wording like "disgusted" "bare faced liar", and "incompetent beyond comprehension" x 2. This is the third draft: I,m certain the first could have resulted in criminal charges or at the very least an investigation by the RCMP. The second was not much better. As for standing up for ourselves Nog I am certainly prepared to do so; I'm just not sure what that might look like.

Not surprising gentlemen, but remember that as far as the government is concnerned this is the first time that this issue has ever reared its ugly head. We all know it isn't the first time, but it is the first time that there has been such a resounding protest come forward. Want to make this happen? the only way will be to continue to protest in ever increasing numbers and amplitude. Maybe if we are lucky we will be able to raise enough awareness and concern that it does have an impact on decisions at the top. Until then, or until there is sufficient monies to raise a court challenge, the lobbying power of the almighty dollar willcontinue to make the decisions.

Make no mistake there will now be a push from the other user groups to try to fracture the solidarity of the sporties and pin the resorts against us recreationalists. "mark my words" The only way that the recreationalists will ever have a voice is to stay strong with the guides and resorts. Keep up the excellent work gents. Illegitiums non-carborundum (don't let the bastards grind you down)
Can't wait to phone dfo in the morn and find how much this experimental purchase of quota is going to be,and how i go about getting it. Bet they won't be able to answer the questions.
As a so called public resource why should we pay the commercials for the right to fish.This is absolutely ridiculous and we would be well advised to tell them to stick it up their butt.
Total ********!

So we buy some quota of Mr slipper at say 5 buck a lb while he cycles his viagra in Maui. Then our Calgary client catches a chicken...weigh it on deck and charge him 6 a pound for a recreationaly caught Haly! Did you enjoy yourself? Welcome to B.C. Oh your not ever coming back. What a pile of ****, get out the new Sims G3s boys its wading time.

This is going to get ugly. The postage alone on mail replies is going to pile on Shea! Say even one to ten a month from 300 000 pissed of anglers at 59 cents, could add up a tad. What an ugly rippin to the rectum have we just been fed.

Not to mention that I heard the actual number of active in service Haly boats from one of the Highliners himself, he has been at this game forever and agrees its crap that so few are activly in the game snappin hooks. The number is enough to make one puke. I dont blame the active guys at all, they bust their balls, but at this rate they may all go the slipper route.
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Quota is now around $50/lb to buy. And it will only go up now. This will cripple the small guide outfits...

I just hope everyone stay adamant and tells Shea to stuff it-- DONT GET SUCKED IN AND BUY YOUR OWN FISH BACK!!!!