Halibut on the inside.

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Robert Warren

I see My escape had a nice 30pnd Hali recently. A freind of mine who worked on a dogfish longline boat until last summer said they had 5 Halibut from 40-50 pnds off Snake Island in Nanaimo. I also heard of a 70yr old fellow catching a 90 pnd halibut near the Nanaimo River estuary. Has anyone else caught or heard of people catching Hali's on the inside? It would stand to reason that if 7 Halibut have been caught with noone actually targeting them there might be a fairly good quantity in the straits?
I've heard of a few over in the Vancouver/Sunshine Coast/Howe Sound area over the past couple of years. It's nice to hear of them if they are slowly making a comeback.
i have heard the same...there is a bank to the west of Bowen island called Haibut Bank...i beleive a portion of it is closed
dogfish longline boat


I was told that a well known fast food place used dog fish in their fish sandwiches. I've wondered if there was any truth to that. Regardless I haven't had too many fish sandwiches since.
i was told they are outside of porlier where it shallows upand then drops back down, along that bump or sand bar thingy theres suppose to be some OK fishing for them my buddy told me, he said hes also heard heard of a few monsters many years ago being brought in from that sandy area behind tent island, in the 200lb range, he is very reliable but that sounded odd to me, i guess that was what he was told? im sure they are around but not in numbers, mind you as obody fished them who knows what could be down there
There is a reason the area off Vancouver is called Halibut Bank. Around the turn of the last century ie. the early 1900's there was a commercial fishery for Halibut on the inside waters.
I picked my freind up off the docks one day when he was done a trip. They averaged about 50,000 pnds a trip. I saw some of it that was processed and you know what? It looked like nice white fleshed meat. If someone had offered it to me and said it was something else I would have cooked it and ate it. It looked fine. He told me that thier buyer sold to Mcdonalds. Funny thing is I still eat those fish sandwiches sometimes.
If the halibut have made any recovery inside, you better believe fishermen will rape and pillage the last one.
Have you tried that spot yet Kelly? Give er a whirl, but keep her hush as it is a small area.-dirty