Halibut fishing near Vancouver?


Preparing for my second season in the area after moving from the north coast. I have salmon fished around T10 and West Vancouver but I want to try for halibut this spring. With the river mouth right near T10 it would seem to me to be a good halibut spot, but I never hear of it on these boards. Most of the halibut talk seems to be toward the Island. Not looking for anyones favourite hole, just a general question; Are there halibut waters close by?
Hali's haven't been caught in Vancouver for decades - other than the rare small one that turns up once in a while. A few years ago a guide caught and retained a small one in the harbour, and made a big deal out of it. Personally if I hooked one near Van I'd let it go and keep my mouth shut. They need all the help they can get with recovery. Your closest bet would be to trailer your boat to Victoria and anchor in the Strait of Juan de Fuca - it's decent there. Or maybe run across the strait to Sidney and try that area.

There's some nice looking reefs outside the harbour but they're closed RCA areas.
The outside of Polier Vancouver side I've heard from reliable resources ( friends ) hooked 2 in many many years of fishing that area. It's kinda of like a lotto they were there at one time so I'm sure there's the odd one hanging around it's all about if the right habitat is present and if there's regular feed there. Halibut do move around quite a bit and do travel great distances so I'm sure some do eventually work their way around the island if the feed is there.
There has been a few caught incidentally off thrasher rock in the last few years fishing on the bottom with salmon gear,I think a couple got caught last year and few the year before..

tight lines
Shhh!! there are no hali on the inside ;);):cool:
Hear if a few being caught on the inside each year. Mostly over in the gulf islands.
HAHAHA I knew you'd chime in lol,
you wouldnt have any first hand experience with that would you:cool: