Halibut anchor input needed


Ok so i just put a halibut anchor system together and would like to know some better choices on the anchor. Right now i have a Danforth that is for a 17'-24' boat (i have a trophy 1802). I was out on the long weekend and would drag a bit (Constance bank). I was wondering if there is a big difference between the "claw" style, and the "Plow" style.
You may need a heavier anchor, or it may be you were trying to anchor in too strong a current.
Did you check your drift speed prior to throwing down the anchor ?
We have a 36 foot boat and anchor using a plow type with 60 feet of chain and never have any issues. We even manage to stay suck with the 14 feet tides in early spring. The plow type anchors are easier to revreive as well.
*tide was 3 feet over 8hrs i think.
I will probably need more chain as i only have 20 feet...
It’s just the claw and plow look so much alike in function.
Chain and maybe a longer rode?
All of the factors mentioned will effect how you hook up.
How long is your rope and how deep are you anchoring.

I like the plow way better than Danforth.
More chain of proper size for weight.
Proper rode
Check currents not tide height. current less than 1.25 max for me. 1 or less is best.

What size is your chain? I'd run a 7.5kg claw with 20ft 3/8" Grade 30 chain. 5/16" chain weighs half as much.. so 40'. Forget 1/4" chain, too light. Scope is an important part of the equation too.. how much rode did you have out and how deep was the water?
It's all about the chain!!! The more chain the better for holding power but it does suck to pull up. The claw and plow are good anchor as is the danforth. It really depends in the bottom with a sand or mud the danforth is great but in weeds not as good. For day time anchoring just add some chain and good to go. If it's not holding more scope.