Hake in the Strait

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I read a research paper that stated that Hake populations are at least 8 times what they were 100 years ago in the Strait of Georgia. There is a theory that they have taken the place of other species whose populations have been reduced or completely wiped out in the Strait of Georgia.

I used to catch hake as a kid every now and then... along with ratfish. I haven't caught either in a long time, but my method of fishing has also changed a lot. I have a hard time believing that the hake population has jumped up as much as they say though. Anyone else have any thoughts? Has anyone caught hake on the inside in the last few years? or hooked into a ratfish?

The paper also stated that 97 Humpback whales were taken in front of the Fraser from 1907 to 1908.
I have a friend that fishies hake and he said they breed like crazy!The quota is huge and they say they are way under fished!But how can you count fish in the ocean?
I have been on a few trips and they can see the fish going in the net its amazing!
Caught one last year just off the inside of Thrasher. Not a lot of effort to catch it....we were the "commitee boat" for a sailing race (essentially drop anchor and you are the finish line) and I dropped a line to the bottom while making rum and cokes.......lo and behold.....the rod flickers and up comes a lovely little Hackey....I mean hake. :D
I have picked a few up from time to time in the spring a couple of miles of the fingers trolling.
Quite a few of the salmon we catch come up full of Hake so I'd agree they have become an important bait fish in our area, but I've never caught a mature one... Given we bottom fish for Lingcod, Greenling, Flounder and Rockfish I'm actually rather suprised we've never caught one... not sure where/when the mature fish hang out.

We do see Ratfish fairly regularly on night dives just in front of the Resort. Given the size of their eyes it makes sense they would be night feeders which may account for why so few seem to get caught during the day. Some of the neighbours tell stories about rendering Ratfish down for a highly prized oil used for tool maintenance. One neighbour, a shipwright, still has a jar of it, very stinky stuff :D