Hakai / shearwater advice


Well-Known Member
Yo, Gents--

If a guy lived in the general Vancouver area and next summer, wanted to consider getting a boat to Hakai and/or Shearwater, what would be the most logical (cost effective + safe) way to pull that off?

My original plan was launch at Hardy and wait for a weather window and run across. Then I started thinking about towing to Bella Coola and launching in the Burke Channel.

I did that road 100 years ago and it was nuts---I never would have pulled a trailer over it in those days. But I presume these days Rt 20 is well traveled and in good shape---it's just a mileage thing, right? You either put the miles on the truck or the hours on the boat and you either deal with hairpin corners or Cape Caution.

What's the general consensus?

Also, anybody ever put truck and trailer and boat on BC Ferries and go to Shearwater that way?

Launch at Hardy and run across assuming you have a reasonably seaworthy boat. IMHO
There's a board member from Campbell River- Sea Wolf-who's done the trip a number of times via ferry and with his own boat if he doesn't chime in send him an email.

Trailering in to Bella Coola would be my last choice-too much driving.
Depending on boat size, getting out of Bella Coola may be more difficult than getting in. Backing up through a hairpin may be touch and go.
I ran my 22 ft Ironwood out of Hardy to Rivers in about 2 hours, and it was pretty rough, we picked up fuel at Dawsons Landing and ran over to Hakai Pass, we stayed on a friends boat, if you go to Shear Water you can stay in their hotel and eat in the restaurant.
I ran my 20 footer up there last summer stayed at Duncanby ran up to Hakai one day circumnavigated Calvert easy trip I did cross Caution on the way up because we wanted to fish there and a couple other spots but on the way back we headed toward pine island and didn't cross the caution shallows. Weather permitting it's a nice trip.
shorter than Port hardy to Shearwater. I have made this trip twice before and its no big deal just leave early in the morning just like most long boat trips. I have run it in a 21 foot Trophy and a 20 hewescraft and people run it all the time in smaller boats. Its about 15 miles to the spot call Manichy Nose (spelling)? This is where it can get rough where the 3 arms meet. Once you round the Nose your good to go, and its a wicked boat ride. This is a pretty isolated area so go prepared there is nothing but wild coast line and steep cliffs for there first 55miles. At 55miles you can hang a right and head up to ocean falls pretty cool and wet spot. People always say that the hill into Bella Coola is so bad but if you take care of your trailer and truck its no big deal. If your boat is 4 or 5 tons it maybe a little tricky but a guy I know pulls his 30 footer down the hill every year. Make sure you fill up in Williams lake fuel past that point is pretty tough until you get to Bella Coola. Send a PM to Excaliber he has a ton of info on the area and make 3 or 4 trips a year. By the way the Fishing SUCKS so don't go!!! hahah

Hope this helps
I have done this exact trip 8 yrs in a row, as far up as Shearwater. My trip in a nut shell, leave Hardy as early as you can get going, water up to Rivers Inlet is generally the best in the morning but always have a listen prior to heading out. Depending on the fuel you are packing you can stop at Duncanby, which is the closest for fuel, then Dawsons, which has more supplies if you need them, store,marine supplies. Duncanby only has fuel, restaurant and tie up for the night. The next stop for fuel is Bella Bella or Shearwater which has everything you will need. The run to Duncanby is about 2hrs, add 30 mins to Dawsons. Shearwater is about 2.5 past Duncanby. If you do not need the fuel and want to head straight up hug the Clavert Island side of Fitz Hugh Sound and head straight up. This a great trip, I recommend the last week of July first week of August up top, Sheawater Haki area and then after that head into rivers. Have a save trip, bring extras for your boat, fuel filters, belts things you may need, watch he weather and you will have a blast.
Many thanks for all the helpful comments, Gents. Looks like lots of boat-camping places to be had off a hook once you get near Spider (?) Checked out a couple of kayak sites and the beach pix make it look like Tahiti. I'm counting off the months....
I have also done this trip for several years ( I'll even pm my waypoints for the whole run ) Main thing I suggest is to watch the tides - a strong ebb against the NW swell makes a very lumpy ride once you get past Pine Is. I plan my departure from Hardy to avoid this.
If you are going to over-night on the hook? I'd recommend going a little past Spider and into Cultus Sound - better shelter and a great spot to fish just along the south bays ( Spider can have lots of smaller boats cut plugging so if that's your speed? great,... but its too hard to pull anything else thru the crowd)
Spider can get a bit crowded with smaller boats your right, but dragging a couple of 15lb cannon ball through them all on day one opens up a bit of space for you during the rest of your trip, especailly if you are in a 25ft boat. You have endless options once getting into Fitz Hugh Sound, you could spend all summer touring around up there.
I was there June 30 to July 6. Got a 32lb spring in Cultus on July 2nd and a 36lb spring at Chenny on July 3rd. We lost another 30+ beside the boat on July 3rd. The next two mornings at Chenny were dead slow. Small coho at Chenny and larger coho at Idol. Decent and consistent numbers of chinook were difficult to find and left us wondering if we stick it out or move on to another spot. Anchovies worked best for us but others were doing well with white and white/green hootchies.
Forgot to mention. We consistently found needlefish in the salmon we got at Spider Light, Breadner, Cultus and Cheney. Idol and Tinky fish had medium herring in them. Hope it helps.
hey Blue

Do you think mid-August is a bit too late for springs at Spider/Breadner etc? Can't get away for last week July/first week August as originally planned

thanks your comments
I've never fished Spider/Breadner past July 3 so can't say if it's too late or not. I think that late June is too early but it hasn't stopped us from enjoying an amazing area and netting a few.
i"ve been doing the trip into Bella Coola for years. They run b trains down the hill, just gear down go slow and have good brakes. Lots of guys from the Cariboo trailer 30fters down that road.
Will be up at Shearwater for the next few weeks, if anyone from the forum is up that way come and say hi. Canadian Shore, 85' can't miss it.