Grimice at Gracie creek...

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I was talking to a buddy who took a drive over Gracie Cr. the other day.. He was at total dismay when he noticed that what looked liked an excavator had gone in, and had dug the pool up just below the bridge.. He said the flow now dissapears under the upturned boulders that once made up the tail out.. Too his knowledge( which is as trustworthy as anyone in the field) that there is no way it has anything to do with stream restoration. If anyone has any idea what has gone on up there please give us some insight.
That stream, as small as it is, holds a real gem in it's own. He says he has never witnessed such blatent destruction to a part of the ecosystem.. Your thoughts are much appreciated-dirty
C'mon you guy's. This sounds like a major company f&*k up. None of you Port boy's have been in the area or what?? Check it out, it sounds like there has been a major screw-up here..dirty
That is what a engineered creek stream restoration project looks like when it is finshed ,there was write up in our local paper about it !!!Enjoy<img src=icon_smile_blackeye.gif border=0 align=middle>
tight lines
Well Steely, if that is what they call stream restoration, every one of those clowns should be canned!!! My buddy was telling me that the flow completely dissolves into the ground. What a joke..dirty