Gray Whale shot

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brisco
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I was just reading about the California Gray Whale shot with a .50 caliber machine gun in the Juan De fuca Strait. The Makah indian band from Washington shot it and now the whale is swimming out to sea.
I heard on the news this morning it had died. What a waste. They harpooned it then shot it then it took a day or so to die because the anti-whalers tried to save it so the natives couldn't finish it off.
This kill was not sanctioned by the Makah tribe or the the U.S. gov't.
Those involved should be tried in U.S. court regardless of ethnic
It's one thing if these guys row a canoe out there and try to harpoon a whale with a spear and some cedar rope, but when you motor out there and use all this modern equipment machine guns and what not there's no way this is even close to a traditional hunt and neither was the last one that was sactioned, now you can be sure this whale will rot on the beach and be wasted just like the last one they killed, what a joke.
I could not beleive that one of the Makah natives that was on the hunt told the international news that he was proud of what he had done. How can a man using such unethical methods stand tall and tell the world he is proud of what he has done. Well when he bends down to get the soap while he is in prison ( I hope the US takes action and jails these guys)I really hope he feels proud then.
I hope the rest of the countries (Canada & US) natives stand up and show their disapproval of such a despicable action[V]. You are right Mr. Killer "What a Joke"
Gotta watch this one. If the Feds back down and don't nail 'em, then 'suspicions confirmed'; the tail is surely wagging the dog and the law is worth squat.

Well, I feel that if I wanted to go and shoot a whale with a 50 cal. I should be able to. Not that I personally ever would, but it is my inherent right to do so. "To hunt and fish as before settlement" That is the treaty signed by us. "Take only what you need" was taught by my grandfather. Perhaps this individual had some poor upbringing.

As for using the 50 cal instead of a harpoon. Matter of personal opinion I guess? There are a number of factors that enable us to use more advanced machinery. Evolution being the main thing.
it was a botched ,illegal hunt even the native people did not condone:(
what a waste of a beautiful animal.
what would you do with 10 tons of whale meat, throw it on the BBQ ??

Have no problem doing what you did before settlement but do it the way it was before NOT by power boat!!!!!!!!!!!! paddle out there for a day then hunt and pursue like in the old days use a harpoon and floats and battle like the old days where you may loose a member or whole crew this is the 21 century people need to go forward not back.this was totally unjustified and very very wrong!!!!!!

Federal courts have ruled that the Natives may use modern methods of harvest. Nothing in the treaties states that the Natives could not use improved equipment or methods. However, some argue that if the Natives want to exercise rights retained in old treaties, they should use the methods and equipment of that time.

If that argument is pursued, the Natives could likewise insist that all the development and exploitation that has diminished the resources should be removed as well. Rolling back time for one party of an agreement is neither logical nor fair. If the Natives are to go back in time, then the non-Indian side should also move backwards in time. That would be very costly, indeed.
So, they shot the whale with a 50 cal. machine gun, and could not track it. The whale died a miserable death, the natives harvested
nothing. Do you call that justifiable ??
Im sure the "great spirit" is not happy with those results.
quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

So, they shot the whale with a 50 cal. machine gun, and could not track it. The whale died a miserable death, the natives harvested
nothing. Do you call that justifiable ??
Im sure the "great spirit" is not happy with those results.

Like I said in my post earlier.. that isn't the way I was taught. I would rather just run the boat a respectful distance from it and admire the beautiful creature... Provided it didn't take up too much time from fishing.
Ill be the first one to say good on you Mr Warren now if "YOU" could only change the minds of some of your other fellow peoples we as a country would not bicker and fight against each other as we do!!!!
I am all for equal oppertunities but we need to have one rule and one rule for all!!!!! We are "ALL" "CANADIENS"

Thanks Wolf
I have no problem with that. If the Canadian government can live up to the treaty that was signed we'd all get along just fine. So far they have not!
Let me put it this way if me and you signed a business contract for me to run your boat. In the process I seize the motor, destroy your fishing rods, leave the downriggers with no wire left on them, leave garbage all over the boat, of course you'd still have to hold up your end of the contract or face possible jail time and rath of a Nation.. I bet you'd be a little pissed too?
In modern terms if one party breaks there end of a contract the contract is null and void. As far as I am concerned the Canadian Government has tried to undermine the treaties that where signed. What do you think the modern treaty process is all about? They wouldn't be giving millions of dollars to the First Nations if they wern't getting something out of it. The fact that some First Nations are willing to trade off their original treaty rights for a small handout is disheartening.
Anyways enough about this topic I could enlighten you for

What they did to the whale was wrong no matter who you are you have got to see that! To me it is no different then the Natives in Vancouver shooting the eagles, Chinnese people shooting bears for their guts, or commercial guys taking more from the resources than can be sustained. I feel it is more a human problem than any 1 group. I don't know why but it seems to be in our nature to destroy everything beautiful around us.[V]
Now let's see, Mcblubber muffins for breaky, Big Mcblubber for lunch and to finish off the day, filet of blubber.Oh one thing, watch out for possible chunks of lead. Causes cancer in California!!!Lets leave the mammals alone! How about we ship down 3 or 4 thousand seals down to these poor starving people?
quote:Originally posted by river hunter
.My personal view is I don't care what they're doing,it was jus one.It does sound like they took the hunt in their own hands and went against whatever rulings there are bout hunting Greys.

With that kind of attitude the whales won't be here for another
generation to enjoy.[xx(]
At least the world is a wonderful thing. Nothing of that whale will actually go to waste. It will in turn feed the micro organisms on the bottom of the food chain. The only problem might be the amount of polutants from us humans the whale has accumulated in its life span. Now all the micro organisms that feed the bigger fish, birds, ect, will be polluted too. We eat those fish...
What the hell are indians doing with a 50 calibre machine gun!WTF!
quote:Originally posted by Brisco

I was just reading about the California Gray Whale shot with a .50 caliber machine gun in the Juan De fuca Strait. The Makah indian band from Washington shot it and now the whale is swimming out to sea.
What the hell are indians doing with a 50 calibre machine gun!WTF!
quote:Originally posted by Brisco

I was just reading about the California Gray Whale shot with a .50 caliber machine gun in the Juan De fuca Strait. The Makah indian band from Washington shot it and now the whale is swimming out to sea.