GPS coordinates for halibut

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I have been going to Bamfield for seven years now and have only managed to catch one halibut. I have fished as far as the twenty six mile mark and as close as five. I go in the first week in August and can get almost anywhere on swiftsure and a little of the southern end of La perus bank. I run it all with my own boat and am just trying to get a little more success with the one week that I have there. Any Help???
That's a tall order. Have you tried fishing around the other boats that are out there. I have found success in the past doing just that, and I don't mean the lone guide boat, more like the other twenty boats fishing an area.:)
It was hard not to post the co-ordinates of the seafood department of Save On Foods! LOL! But I agree with Yote, when working an area you aren't sure about, keep your eyes and ears on the other boats. You can usually figure out what they are doing that makes them successful when you are not. When I'm after hali's on a first trip to the area, I usually do the slow troll for them to cover ground and waypoint any spot I get action or see promise on the sounder. Then go back with the jigging sticks. Keep those charts/gps handy and watch for other boats is all I can offer I'm not the most experienced hali hunter here.

Edited by - c lyse on 02/13/2006 16:04:38

Edited by - c lyse on 02/13/2006 17:53:10
Sometimes that lone guide boat is sittin on a real good spot that he doesn't want anyone to know about, Been there.

C'ya on the water.
MrSmiley just let the cat out of the bag

Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
"Sometimes that lone guide boat is sittin on a real good spot that he doesn't want anyone to know about, Been there."

To keep things in context, the reason that I said that was out of respect for the guide boat out there, not that they weren't onto a good spot. You should at least wait till they leave, then check it out. <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
For sure,There are many spots for hali closer to Renfrew than the chicken ranch.(the rockpile is real good) just kiddin!
Don't be shy up there ask a guide for location he may give you some coordinates or he may not, of course not for the best spots but I guess anything can help.
good luck.

C'ya on the water.
I've been fishing Renfrew for the few years. The first year I fished it. The guy in the trailer next to the office gave me a list of spots to fish. I usually can go out and limit on hali. But two years ago, I got a new gps and didn't program any numbers in it and went out to Swiftsure and started fishing with a bunch of boats. The fog blew in and with it the fish cops. It seemed like we were all in the closure area. They ticketed six boats, included two guides and they didn't buy my excuse that I wasn't aware of were the closure area was..
I've been fishing Renfrew for the few years. The first year I fished it. The guy in the trailer next to the office gave me a list of spots to fish. I usually can go out and limit on hali. But two years ago, I got a new gps and didn't program any numbers in it and went out to Swiftsure and started fishing with a bunch of boats. The fog blew in and with it the fish cops. It seemed like we were all in the closure area. They ticketed six boats, included two guides and they didn't buy my excuse that I wasn't aware of were the closure area was..
Next time don't follow Kiwi Magic....

"They ticketed six boats, included two guides and they didn't buy my excuse that I wasn't aware of were the closure area was.."

And from what I have heard, it's not going to be long and they'll be taking boats that fish in the closed area. They are pretty serious about people fishing the closed area. It's sad how many boats go into the closed area, it's not like you can hide out there.
...........Or use the stupid i didn't know where iwas excuse famous from a couple of those same guides !

Just Bring it!
no kidding, I just talked to a dragger who said they must have dumped 5000 lb last year lots of it halibut, you know incedental catch, with fisheries aboard observing, what kind of idiots run this fishing program, and they're out there bugging a few little sporties. Is something wrong with this picture?
The majority of the commercial longline and troller boys are going to be forced to spend a mandatory 9 grand on the new electronic monitoring program implemented late this march. They will have three cameras mounted on deck which are wired into the hydrolics and record bycatch automaticly with any movement of the gear.
My buddy owns two 50 foot longline/trollers and runs out of Hardy. He is less than impressed with this costly program that will likely be scrapped due to high operation costs upon downloading hours of camera info prior to any unloading of catch.
I hope the huge dragger fleet will be under the same guidelines?

His concern is the volume of fish taken anually by the ever increasing lodge operations up and down the coast. I get my fair share of verbal sporty bashing abuse from him over a few to many wobbly pops."Quota this Quota that".I can't wait till i get out for a week of longline hali, as a greenhorn deckhand on a fun trip with him this spring. In the end were all taking from the same pond. <img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

Edited by - maddog on 02/27/2006 19:46:31
Yote. I was one of the other boats that got ticketed we stopped because we figured they all couldn't be in the wrong place. I think the ticket was couple hundred. We only caught one and the cop belittled us because it was so small and they took the fish.

joseph battaglino
When I first put the coordinates for the closed boundry in my GPS and headed out, I thought they were wrong because of the boats fishing the closed area, it's not always that bad. I agree about the commercial harvest as taking it's toll but in my eyes it still doesn't justify knowingly poaching.

So back to the topic, put the coordinates in the gps for the closed area and get out there and fish the spots where you see other boats. It will take some time but you will start to accumulate good spots and talk to people at the dock as to where they might get lucky and someone may just give you a spot. Obviously, when you get into a Hali, mark the spot on the GPS. There was a reason that fish was there. Look for boats off Carmana too and be careful, the weather can really cause problems if you ignore it, and then there's the fog.
I'd like to know how to properly mark the closures on a GPS.I know how to mark the 'spot' of the coordinates,but can a person actually have it so the lines are on the screen.Or is there another way to mark closures?

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
What I did is mark the co ordinates from the regs and then make a route on your gps between them and it makes a nice dotted line that connects them. I don't know if that is the best way, but for me it works well and is quite easy to input.
What I did is mark the co ordinates from the regs and then make a route on your gps between them and it makes a nice dotted line that connects them. I don't know if that is the best way, but for me it works well and is quite easy to input.

Exactly what I do. Works good enough for me.
Will that route stay on the screen always or just when you are programmed in to 'NAV' to or follow route?

a total MILF.Man I Love Fishing
"Will that route stay on the screen always or just when you are programmed in to 'NAV' to or follow route?"

Sometimes the line goes away, I don't know why yet, maybe the route gets completed or something, but it in stored in my routes and I just hit Nav again, I think. It takes me a bit since it's all self taught for me on that thing. It works good though and is relatively easy.

That other closure is a rockfish closure right? I think most of the popular Hali spots for Carmanah are alright??? Aren't they. I better look into the zone I fish there but I am quite sure that I am ok. I'll have to check with my buddy that wears the uniform for that area.