gold steelies ??

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metal head

anyone cataching fish in the gold river lately ??? need to get out fishing.if not the gold then anywhere on the island is good for me ..
i know it was good before the extended low water period... then the fish were pretty tough to get. i imagine when the water conditions improve (if they havent already) things should be pretty good.

hoping to get up there later in march
thanks for the info eagle eye ... do you know how long the run lasts for ??? i am very new to the area !!! just moved down from port mcneill ... did tons of steelheadin' up there but not so much down here ....
well i dont know the gold very well myself either, im going on info from a very good guide i know. when i asked him which river i should concentrate on in march, he said the gold and then explained the details. i would imagine the fish would start gettin pretty dark by april though.
Just got back from the Gold... Save the gas money. Dirt low and only getting lower. fish are very spotty to say the least and spots that are fishable a far and few between. The fish that we did get were very (small 5-8 lbs)for the Gold. Managed to catch a hatchery to boot! Very lost little steelie!
thanks for the heads up yo mamma !!!! what about the salmon ?? i have not fished that for a few years now.i remeber having really good days there though,lots of fish and big fighters too..this rain thats on it's way will bring the rivers up,so it might be good by the weekend.need more water !!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the info guys
congrats Yo mama on getting something in this low and cold water.
As for the salmon, it too is low and cold and I have not really heard of a good day in years for steel. The trout'n can be good, but again low and cold. Below the highway would be the only bet. If ya have to go, I would head west. but you would be better off save'n the gas money till later.
And please stay away in April, there is just to many fish spawning. To many boots and Kelts. Start tying muddlers and target trout till June. Pink fry are will start in april. Try here for water levels. 150cm to 250 cms is my favorite window. and watch the discharge it can save you gas money too. .
spent a few hours on the river yesturday and managed to land a very large colored buck below bridge ... water was cold and low, but was good to get out and scout out the river since i have never fished there before..need some rain.thanx for all the good info guys..
spent a few hours on the river yesturday and managed to land a very large colored buck below bridge ... water was cold and low, but was good to get out and scout out the river since i have never fished there before..need some rain.thanx for all the good info guys..
low 20's i would guess...21-23 lbs..put up a very good fight though..well worth the trip over for sure.i had my 3 year old son out with me,he had a blast..