


Thanks for the report getbent.

What were the sea conditions the day you hit your fish. What were they hitting on and how deep.

It's nice to hear that someone is having success.

The Berry's bait fishing hotline (604-638-5899) has been errantly reporting good fishing off the fraser mouth for quite some time now even though nobody seemed to be catching fish a week or two ago. I remember the same thing last year Berry's bait said that the fraser river mouth was producing healthy numbers of springs but after a hard days fishing the only one we managed to hook got tag teamed by two seals right beside our boat. When we went into steveston to take on fuel the guy at the oil dock said there were no fish out there at the time and I think he was right.

I very rarely get skunked but the last few years have not been kind. My boys are finally old enough to catch their own fish now but I can't seem to get one for them. The summer is almost done for the kids and I still haven't completed the mission. I will be going out again next week and I have to get my boys a fish this time. They are losing confidence in me. I have boated many nice fish with them before they were ready to handle the rods but now they are ready to reel in their own fish.
