Get your halibut lease now and save

Always wondered with this BS ..if you are a charter guy and you have bought quota and you and a 'buddy' or client are out fishing and you ALREADY HAVE your daily limit of 2 on board and you hook the 3rd..
bonk it and count it agains the quota you bought ..go in with 5 or 6 butts if you like... 2 against your rec lic. ( the BIG fish off course!!) and then the rest bought from a fish lord.
the whole idea is so flawed and was thought out by someone who has never fished a day in their life and sits behind a desk in ottawa.

dont think for a second that I am in favour of this BS offered by the department of fisheries obliteration!
Island Girl you are so right on the mark. No control with this flawed system. The folks that thought this up were smoking something that ain't legal.
I understand that you are not suppose to sell the fish directly to the customer/guest but what is the difference if you hide it in the cost of your charter or package? Anyone that takes part in this program is going to have to do just that, no businessman in their right mind will be buying quota and eating that cost themselves. That being said, you are selling the fish to the client in a round about way. So what's the difference if he gives you a $100 for the fish or you hide that $100 in your price?

Totally flawed program that no thought was put into and is going to turn into a real mess come any early closure this summer.