Gas staining aluminum from the vent


Active Member
Hey I have a NWAC that I have a bad habit of over filling and as the fuel expands it leaks abit on the side of the boat. I was wondering if any of you have had this issue and wondering how you fixed it? The fuel marks scratch off a little bit but my power washer is not strong enough. I am thinking of trying to lightly sand the area somehow without causing damage to the aluminum (open to ideas), re applying the Nyalic clear coat on this section and then putting a clear vinyl over that for maximum protection? Thanks and im looking forward to your responses. 20240428_121405.jpg
Same issue with my Silver Streak and I have tendency for a "more fuel, more better" approach as well. Couple things I do to keep from the expanding gas from coming out the vent (sorry if this is obvious to you, but was not for me a couple years ago)

Try not to overfill, I keep my ear close to the vent itself. You can hear when it starts to fill, the second I hear that I stop.
Since the vent is in the bow, keep the bow as high as possible when stored. I find it will never leak out the vent if I get the bow high enough even if I overfill a little.

For cleaning the gas, I can usually get most of it off with a good scrub of hot water and good ol Hyseas boat soap. Another product I would recommend giving a shot would be Power 1 cleaner. I have not used it for gas stains but it's a great product that removes all other stains I have hit with it. Pricey but worth it and a liter lasts a while.

aluma brite, but ya, same as post above.