Galiano Salmon Classic - Sat. May 26, 2018


Well-Known Member
2018 Galiano Derby is open for registration and info can be found on their facebook page here -

Last year the fishing was incredible on derby day and the weather was perfect. Lots of fish caught by most boats in the derby (though mostly around 10#'s or so) and a very 'galiano' relaxed feel to it which is nice. Hope to see a bunch of the regulars out again this year and fingers crossed we get similar weather/fishing as last year!


>very 'galiano' relaxed feel to it

Yes, good old fashioned locals derby, welcoming group, family friendly. A+++ Would fish again!
This looks awesome. Montague and area is so nice. I'd like to do this. Just curious with the proposed SRKW closures in area 18 (not confirmed yet) where would the fishing take place? Just wondering how long of a run? Would it be down to polier? Ive never fished the gulf island area. Thanks...
Still waiting to hear about any regs so time will tell. However, based on the 'proposed' areas in the DFO discussion paper the only area that would potentially be affected would be Pender Bluffs. Again, we will have to see how the regs unfold. In past years most derby entrants have fished all around Galiano (inside, active pass, salamanca, porlier) as well as Gabriola, Salt Spring, Pender, etc. Last year the majority of the fleet fished Porlier and we had an incredible day of weather (sun, flat calm) and fishing so we can only hope to get something similar this time around. Late May is prime time for the Galiano area fishery so fingers crossed!

This looks awesome. Montague and area is so nice. I'd like to do this. Just curious with the proposed SRKW closures in area 18 (not confirmed yet) where would the fishing take place? Just wondering how long of a run? Would it be down to polier? Ive never fished the gulf island area. Thanks...
Just 2 weeks to go until the Galiano derby. If you aren't booked already you can do so here -

Hoping the weather and the fishing stay as hot around Galiano as they have been recently. Hope to see a bunch of forum members out for this!
Still tickets available online via the eventbrite page:

My buddy runs that page so I don't know exactly how many tickets are left but he did say we are on pace for a similar turn-out to past years, which has been around 100-120 people... about the max that Montague can accommodate. He said a lot of people sign up in the last week or so typically which makes things a little more challenging with ordering food, etc but that's probably the way it goes with most derbies. Hopefully those planning to attend get on it asap and register to make things a bit easier on the volunteer organizers!!!

1st place winner this year gets the Tubalicous hot tub donated by Coast Spas Galiano which is a pretty awesome (and unique) prize. Cash prizes for 2nd & 3rd and then prize table after that for all others who catch a fish.

how many tickets for this event tincan?