Funny/Amazing youtube thread


Recent tofino footage from a friend of mine.

For those not viewing from a mobile device

Wow, they got themselves closer to the beach, but no one seemed in much of a hurry. If that was me...outta there as fast as I could. I wouldn't trust transients when I'm in silty water with a black suit on and mixed in with sea lions.
This is probably going to happen to me when I try to release a hook from my first oversized Hali in April.

More killer whales. This diver gets chased up onto rock shoal and the black lab gets quite the encounter while fetching a stick. Shot in New Zealand. These whales eat Sting Rays. Some good videos about a female whale researcher in NZ who rescues beached orcas when they get stuck.
Lol..... 2 minutes later though(for delay of game I would think;) )

Good to see they made up for it...
Must have been a delay of game? Not every day you see the refs asking guys to start fighting lol.
The referee's should of kicked the crap of them for not fighting and wasting time. LOL
I love seeing how thing used to be.

Cool Clip! I love how the sunken gardens at Butchart didn't have any foot paths around the center remaining Lime deposit. People were just walking on the lawn. Now over a million feet walk that route every year.