freighter wave

scott craven

Well-Known Member
anybody get swamped by that big wave about 1:00 pm this
afternoon? holy crap what a nasty one that was...
lots of boats fishing hallies from the flats all way to

Didn't see that one but the worst big wave ever was a freighter wave off Trial island. (I think you know that area). I couldn't believe it. I think if the waves hit the wind and tide just right you can be in for a big surprise.
thats exactly where that wave was yesterday, about 1/4 mile
south of Trial.
i had to go through it to get back to Cattle point...
scared the crap outta me, must have been 7 feet high

I concur, that was a nasty wave. Our hook was set 3 miles outside trial when they came through. I’m glad we dropped the bow line and took it nose first. Fishing near/in shipping lanes is always interesting!