Freezing crabs?

cook it, shell it, and vacuum seal it.
it will keep that way for 2 or 3 months.
if you don't vacuum seal, it will surely get freezer burn
and it's then garbage.
How about doing them whole... You can buy em that way,, Just wondering because I was planning on doing some like that this summer when we are Sooke.. Cook them, cool em and then vacum seal and freeze...
Thats the only way I can transport them r.s.,, mayebe its not a good idea if they won't be any good to eat... No use to go through all the work if they will go to waste...
Why is that the only way to transport them ?
As long as you keep the shell back to provide proof of legal size , you can clean , cook and vacuum seal/freeze them for transport home.

From D.F.O. Regulations..

Transporting Crab

When transporting a recreationally-caught crab, the carapace (shell) must remain attached to the body of the crab until consumed or you arrive at your ordinary residence.

I don't know of how else you could clean them and leave the shell on.. Is there a way ????
tried cleaning and then freezing and found that when I cooked them they were not as good, soggy. Kelly, when you freeze do u freeze in water or just in a plastic bag (zip lock)?
Fish caught by a sportfisher that is being prepared, cooked, or consumed away from the sportfisher's ordinary residence (i.e. while staying at a campgroung, overnighting on a boat, residing at a hotel, etc.) is included as part of the fisher's possesion limit. The amount of fish cannot exceed the possesion limit. the head and tail of all finfish and THE CARAPACE(SHELL) OF ANY CRAB CAUGHT MUST BE RETAINED UNTIL THE FISH HAS BEEN CONSUMED.

DFO Packaging and Transporting Your Catch

The DFO officer has told me that this is at the inspector's discretion. The crab bodies must not appear to be smaller than the shells with them
quote:Originally posted by Merrittboy

tried cleaning and then freezing and found that when I cooked them they were not as good, soggy. Kelly, when you freeze do u freeze in water or just in a plastic bag (zip lock)?

I just put say 6 sections (What I eat in a good sitting) in a grocery shopping bag, and tie a knot in it. I don't think freezing them in water is a good idea, fresh water is murder on sea food. Try steaming them instead of boiling, much stronger taste.

They will freezer burn fast on you, so use them in less then 3 months for optimum freshness. If course, outstaring a bag of crab is yet to be a problem for me :D
I freeze prawns and salmon steaks in salt water from the ocean or if unavailable I use filtered water. As for crab I take a knife down the middle of it's underside. spit in two carefull not to break the shell if transporting. Grab all the legs and pincher on one side and pull half out of the shell and clean and repeat. Once crab is cleaned. I cook it (I prefer steamed ) I let it cool and vacuum seal it's legs and pincher in one bag and body meat in another and the uncooked </u> shell with each crab cooked all in one bag if transporting.

You can also do the same for fresh crab uncooked but I don't think it would taste the same even given a bit of time in the freezer.

For those who like the whole crab or like to cook it whole????

ps If going for a few day just clean well put all in a water tight bag with the cleaned shell and pack it on ice </u> "Not just in the coooler" till you get home. But make sure you cook it up and eat or freeze it once</u> you get home. ;)

MHO Cheers ME