Free rod



Great Job Julia! Way to show up the old man :cool:
I think you have created a monster Jim.... Nice fish!
Ya. She does love it. Will be interesting in a few when the teen years hit to see if its still cool to hang out with the old man. That'll be the true test to see if I have a fishing monster on my hands or not. LOL
Ya. She does love it. Will be interesting in a few when the teen years hit to see if its still cool to hang out with the old man. That'll be the true test to see if I have a fishing monster on my hands or not. LOL

Just wanted to resurrect an old thread for fun.
Lippy, (Dan, who's a top notch guy) graciously donated a rod and reel to my kid a couple of years ago. She's touched more decent Springs with that rod than I can count and she's increasingly becoming a great fisher.

She's a teen now and still loves fishing with the old man, my favourite fishing partner by far. Proud Papa right here. :-)

Thanks again, Dan. I asked her if she'd like to donate the rod to another kid of a parent from this forum but she's not ready to part with it just yet she said. Haha. We'll pay it forward one day.

Here's a recent shot of her latest. :-)

I love it! Great to see the mojo hasn't worn off that thing yet :cool:
Enjoy your time up there buddy.

Whats equally impressive is that you managed to dig this thread up using tapatalk