Fraser - South Arm - Salmon staging?


Do salmon stage at the south arm/sandheads? I read that they usually need to spend some time acclimatizing to fresh water in the estuary. Like at Ambleside, the fish stack up when the river is low before heading up. But the Fraser is always high enough for the fish. It's also a fresh/salt mix with the tides.

What's your experience been? do you find the fish just immediately head up on the incoming tide? or are there some species that hang around the jetty for a few days/weeks?
Most fish push a little further on each flood, then move back into the salt. Slowly acclimatizing their gills.
Whose to say how many tides each fish waits but it's reasonable to assume it's several. I've caught them in 200' of water with bronzing skin from their excursions into the brackish mix
In my opinion whichever slack tide comes first early in the morning is the one you want.
High slack seems preferable, but I think early morning is more important