Fraser River Opening?


New Member
Hey guys, first post on here! I was just wondering if anyone has heard yet about the Fraser River opening this season for retention of chinook salmon. Pretty much any salmon really, last year was a bit of a drag.
With early in season sockeye estimates coming in at half the pre-season estimates, fraser water levels below normal and temperatures above normal the river could be closed to protect them. With this being an on year for pinks its hard to close the river to them though, and they will run the same time as many endangered sockeye runs.
Squamish opening...

Subject: FN0657-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Pink - Region 2 - Opportunities on the Squamish River and all Tributaries

Waters: Cheakamus River, Mamquam River downstream of the CN rail bridge; and
the Squamish River downstream of the fishing boundary signs at the powerline
crossing approximately 1.5 km upstream of the confluence with the Cheakamus

Effective dates:
Effective 00:01 hours July 15, 2017 until further notice, the daily limit for
pink salmon is one (1) per day.

Variations Order: 2017-355
Squamish opening...

Subject: FN0657-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Pink - Region 2 - Opportunities on the Squamish River and all Tributaries

Waters: Cheakamus River, Mamquam River downstream of the CN rail bridge; and
the Squamish River downstream of the fishing boundary signs at the powerline
crossing approximately 1.5 km upstream of the confluence with the Cheakamus

Effective dates:
Effective 00:01 hours July 15, 2017 until further notice, the daily limit for
pink salmon is one (1) per day.

Variations Order: 2017-355
Not sure what that watershead has to do with Fraser River salmon, thinking he was looking for a Chinook opening on the Fraser. Here's an update on Fraser River Sockeye for what it's worth:
The latest update has been posted, here are the details:

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Fraser River Panel met Friday, July 14 to receive an update on the migration of Fraser
River sockeye and review the status of migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed.

Test fishery catches continue to be low. At the meeting today, the Fraser River Panel
approved an Early Stuart run size estimate of 50,000 with a 50% marine timing through Area 20 of July 03. Assessments of Early Summer sockeye are ongoing.

On July 13 the discharge of the Fraser River at Hope was 4,693 cms, which is
approximately 14% below average for this date. The temperature of the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on July 13 was 17.00
C, which is 0.90 C higher than average for this date.

Fraser River discharge levels and water temperatures will be monitored closely to determine if specific management actions are required during the in-river migratory period to help achieve sockeye escapement goals.

All Panel Area waters remain closed to commercial salmon fishing.

The next in-season meeting of the Panel is scheduled to occur on Tuesday, July18, 2017.
BCringo that link has been updated. The LEGAL opening for FN from spuzzum to the mouth has past. It was the last 3 days, and with the low water it was a bloodbath.
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BCringo that link has been updated. The LEGAL opening for FN from spuzzum to the mouth has past. It was the last 3 days, and with the low water it was a bloodbath.
Not sure how that could be "scientifically" justified by the DFO. In the last Fraser Sockeye and Chinook notification DFO emphasized on the uncertainty of the "early numbers" and the fact that escapement targets aren't met. How could such an early FN opening be justified? or maybe DFO has access to some data that we don't. I remember last summer, FNs "legally" harvested ~270,000 sockeye between July-August but such an early opening in the tidal section when very low numbers are anticipated, is unheard of.
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Uhhh....this aint the first opening....
Early openings? Bud...the netting legally started in feb!
They usually start in late Feb/early March north of Alexandria but I hadn't heard of early netting in the tidal portion. :confused:
No...north of alexandria is mostly dip netting and rod and reel. Everything below is set or drift net.
If you FOLLOW the actual notices you.see how many openings they actually get.
No...north of alexandria is mostly dip netting and rod and reel. Everything below is set or drift net.
If you FOLLOW the actual notices you.see how many openings they actually get.
Thanks for the suggestion but I'd rather not follow and keep my head under the sand ;):p
I already have enough in life to worry about!