Fraser Coho


Well-Known Member
Anybody having any luck following the opening on the weekend?
I know that there are a lot coming as they werre thick as thieves out at The south mouth and in canoe pass...


I have been lingering around the mouth of the stave the last couple days....I can't offer you any coho sightings yet, but the chum are HEAVY at the mouth. 20 boats crammed into an area the size of my living room lol. Its pretty crazy but everyone is courteous and its a lot of fun to watch. Was thinking of taking my camera to the shores to catch some of the action. A lot of people are casting for chum while waiting for dino bites...lots of action on both...
I bet eh Nick...I know it can be a hoot there for is time for sure!
I would imagine a few hos should be about very soon...

Any size to the stugr?

Should be some chunks around with a little more size than that soon I would think...

Still no coho reports???
none yet for HO's. The time I had my rod down for Dino's (45min) it was non-stop bites, but by feel (forget rod holders!!) they felt pretty small, and I couldn't hook up.
Was out there oct 5 released two wild cohos at the mouth, one about 8-10 lbs the other 5-6. Nice and chrome. Definitely lots of chum. Be out again today, hopefully rain keeps people away!